Azure AD Application Proxy – Securely access internal applications.
For on-premises applications, Azure Active Directory Application Proxy offers secure remote access from anywhere in the world. In addition to this secure access, you can also set up single sign-on.
Your organization likely uses internally deployed applications like SharePoint sites, Outlook Web Access, Citrix Director, and various line-of-business web apps. By utilizing Application Proxy (a feature of Azure AD), you can securely integrate these applications with Azure AD for external access.
Traditionally, when making these applications available on the internet, you would rely on VPN solutions, proxies, DMZ extensions, or adjustments to firewall settings to manage traffic to your internal resources. With Application Proxy, you simply install a Proxy Connector on a server within your internal network. This acts as a reverse proxy, allowing access to your applications without the need for VPNs or complex firewall configurations—just enable ports 80 and 443 from the Connector to the internet.