Ayurvedic Approach to HPV: Natural Infection Solutions

Ayurvedic Approach to HPV: Natural Infection Solutions

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), is one of the more common sexually transmissible infections in the USA.?HPV can be transmitted by skin-to-skin touch during sexual activity.?HPV causes warts to appear on the genitals and the skin near the genitals.?Nearly 200 HPV types exist, of which about 40 are transmitted by sexual contact.?HPV is usually asymptomatic and can remain dormant for many years in the body. This dormant infection?can be activated at any time in the future when your immune system is weak.?Untreated HPV can increase the risk of developing penile or cervical cancer.?It is important to treat HPV as soon as possible.

Symptoms and Treatment of HPV

It is possible to remain asymptomatic for many years.?Fewer people can display the symptoms below:

  • Some strains cause warts to appear on the hands, feet, and genitals.
  • Women can see genital warts on their labia majora and minora, cervix or vagina as well as the anus.
  • Men usually have genital warts around the corona glides. This looks like a cluster of warts surrounding the head of the scrotum.
  • These lesions are easily detectable on a PAP test.
  • HPV which is high-risk can cause cancers of the upper respiratory tract, mouth, and anus.

HPV Diagnosis

Your doctor may be able to diagnose it by examining the warts.?If warts cannot be seen, your doctor may recommend that you undergo tests such as a PAP smear or DNA test to make a proper diagnosis.

What is the Treatment for HPV

HPV Treatment Conventional

Antiviral drugs are the standard treatment for HPV.?Antiviral drugs fail to work and the virus remains inactive behind blood-brain barriers, where immunity and antiviral medications cannot reach.?Antivirals are not effective against viruses that have mutated into strains resistant to them.?These antivirals are also very side-effect prone when taken on a regular basis, which is why they should only be used when there is an outbreak of lesions or if you experience an infection.?When you get lesions or warts you can take antivirals to temporarily subdue the virus.?After a period of time, the virus flares again and you have to take antivirals again. This is a continual cycle.?Antivirals do not cure HPV permanently, as the virus can recur if one virus escapes treatment.

Alternatives to HPV

Complementary natural health care can include Ayurveda and Homeopathy as well as nutritional supplements. These sciences give you a hopeful hope for a better future, without side effects.?Clinical studies have demonstrated that natural ingredients such as hypericum mysorense and HPV images, green tea extract, and monolaurin can boost the immune system.

?Let us go through revolutionary studies on natural formulations:

  • Hypericum Mysorense: The International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy has recently published a research article on an Ayurvedic herbal combination called Hyperisince. Hyperisince combines Hypericum mysorense with other herbs. According to this clinical research data, more than 76% of patients reported improvement, and more than 80% of patients who took Biogetica Hyperisince for 4 months or more noticed long-term boosting of their immune system, and it also helped to support the body’s natural nerve-calming processes. [Study link:?Pdf –?https://ijrap.net/admin/php/uploads/1831_pdf.pdf Html-?https://ijrap.net/index.php/login/abstractt?id=1831??]

Food Recommendations to Prevent HPV

Take the following into consideration:

  • Eat cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and mustard greens.
  • Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system.?Include oranges, broccoli, berries, and kale.
  • Beta-carotene is found in vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots, and squash. Also, sweet potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, and sweet potato are high in this substance.?This red-orange color is converted into Vitamin A by the body. Vitamin A boosts immunity and helps fight HPV.
  • Include antioxidants such as spinach, peaches, green tea, berries, and berries.
  • Eat folic acid-rich foods like legumes, fortified grains, eggs, asparagus, and oranges.
  • Take more vitamins and antiviral herbs such as olive leaf, goldenseal root, astragalus, and mushroom.

Avoid the Following

  • Your immune system will suffer if you eat a lot of high-processed food, such as fast foods and diet soda.?Junk foods are nutritionally devoid.?Although they may make you feel full, junk foods do not provide your body with the nutrients it requires to function properly and protect you against illness.
  • Avoid or reduce alcohol consumption.
  • You must maintain a healthy immune system by eating a balanced diet.?It is important to gradually reduce processed foods and consume more nutrient-dense food such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid or limit the consumption of caffeinated drinks or coffee.

Herpes can be treated in many ways by using natural supplements and improving your lifestyle.?Biogetica uses Homeopathy, Ayurvedic Herbs, and Dietary Supplements to treat the condition holistically and at its core.?Biogetica’s products are based on Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and modern research.?If you are looking for safe, natural, and effective management for Herpes without any known side effects, please contact one of the doctors please click here


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