Ayurveda on Hydration: Water Consumption & Digestion Rules

Ayurveda on Hydration: Water Consumption & Digestion Rules

Water makes up approximately 65-75 percent of the body. Water hydrates cells and tissues and is essential for regulating the body’s temperature. It also nourishes organs. The water we consume is essential for many bodily functions, including respiration and perspiration.

Here are a Few Rules to Drink Water:

  • Drinking water is best done while sitting down: rather than standing up. This allows for efficient water absorption and distribution throughout the body. Standing up while drinking could disrupt fluid balance and lead to arthritis as fluid accumulates in the joints. Sitting and drinking helps relax your muscles and nervous systems, which in turn promotes better digestion and fluid absorbtion. The kidneys can also filter better in this position.
  • It’s better to drink water slowly than in large quantities: This prevents the diluting of blood and stomach juices. It is also important to take small sips of water throughout the day, rather than gulping down large amounts at once.
  • Warm or room temperature water is always preferred over ice cold water: Cold water consumption can cause long-term health problems such as digestive issues, constipation and heart complications. Cold water can cause digestive problems and reduce blood flow to organs. This may lead to constipation. Tepid water, on the other hand, aids digestion and metabolism. It can promote weight loss, reduce bloating, and even help with discomfort.
  • Avoid drinking straight from the source: Consume stored water instead. Ayurveda recommends using copper, silver or steel containers for water storage. These materials can positively charge the water and balance the three doshas.

When your body tells you to drink water, stop drinking it when you feel hydrated. The body can’t efficiently process too much water. Each person has a different water requirement. You can maintain a healthy body balance by recognizing your body’s cues.

Ayurvedic practices recommend drinking water in the morning. This practice is known as Ushapan. This routine is best performed 45 minutes before sunrise to cleanse your body and purify the intestines.

Ayurveda says it is best to drink water in between meals, rather than before or after eating. This can have a negative impact on digestion. Water consumption immediately before or after a meal may cause digestion to be impaired, and drinking water directly after eating can lead to obesity.

Drinking water that’s been reduced to a third or half its original volume can improve digestion. Drinking a lot of water in the belief that it is healthy may not be beneficial. Ayurveda says that even water must be digested.


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