Ayurveda Everyday Everywhere!
Ayurveda is Holistic or Totalistic. Charaka quotes "Yadihasthi na tadanyatra yannehasti na tatkwachit" which means whatever is here is found elsewhere, but whatever is not here does not exist anywhere else. The science of life is always thought to be preventive, and curative in technical language but Ayurveda is, even more, comprehensive, and universal, encompass not only life science subjects like chemistry, pharmacy, food & nutrition, medicine, treatment plans and remedies but holds good to be a reference even for geography, physics, astronomy, philosophy, economy, sociology, and many more glimpses.
Even before Vedas existed the knowledge of life existed within Human beings. Folklore medicine always has proof of the rustic rhymes being sung while they were passed onto generations. But it was during the Vedas/Vedic period the sacred men observed, immersed themselves in science, experienced, applied, and documented in a systematic way to give arise to the lexicons.
Ayurveda Everyday :- The principles to be followed for daily and seasonal regimen, code of conduct explained in Achara Rasayana, the biological cleansing, rejuvenation methods for anti-aging & longevity, the personal and social hygiene, personalized nutrition and dietetics, suppressible and non-suppressible urges and effects, avoidance of unwise courses is a path for healthy, happy long life.
Ayurveda Everywhere:- Just like yoga, spreading the wisdom of Ayurveda to the world is a great responsibility we carry as Indians. The Tridosha and Panchamahabhutha theory is applicable everywhere. Loka Purusha Samya teaches how the universe and Man can be similar in actions and reactions. We might be genetically prone or biologically inclined towards indigenous plants, animals, or mineral entities in our food and medicine but geographically can adapt to the regions where we live. Nature's gift is such that the needs of Human is always accomplished and has an unmatched balance which results in a Healthy ecosystem. Ayurveda teaches & imbibes this principle. When Ayurveda penetrates into the look and corner of the world, ideally the prakruthi/constitution of the person, the region, and the habits of that particular area will be considered. Probably even if there is any amalgamation of the traditional medicinal/nutritional practice should be taken care off. This might be an ideal way to nurture Ayurveda everywhere.