The AYMERICH Show – My Costa Rica UFO Story
THE DARKSIDE… “My Costa Rica UFO Story” – Okay many of you have been asking for this episode for a long while. This is from episode 3 of my old show “The DARKSIDE..” a show I used to do with Djedhi Gnostica He and I used to do this show back in roughly 2010 – 2013 and was broadcast in the old PRN Radio Network. Recently I did a talk on another show about UFO’s in Costa Rica and my experiences with them. Many of you missed it and the how is not on podcast and rebroadcasted. This talk started because of a sighting earlier this year at my favorite spot in the world Volcano Irazu in Costa Rica. Also because of the connection made by someone that I was born in on Sept. 22, 1971 and one of the most famous sightings in Costa Rica is on September 4, 1971 at Lago de Cote, Costa Rica… Granted not mentioned on either show is the various UFO experiences and sightings with my Mother, Aunts and the most recent at The Parsonage in Norcross…