Ayala’s Case Against Akima Global Services, an ICE Prison Contractor, Survives Dismissal and Moves Forward
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Ayala’s is proud to announce that its case against Akima Global Service (Akima), a prison contractor for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), survived Akima’s motion to dismiss.?
The Complaint was filed in federal court in October 2020 by Mr. Alejandro Mugaburu, a peruvian immigrant. The lawsuit is based on the discriminatory and abusive treatment that Mr. Mugaburu received while in DHS and ICE custody in Krome Detention Center, as well as other detention centers throughout Florida.?
Mr. Mugaburu, who is handicapped and has had a lifelong diagnosis of epilepsy among other serious medical conditions, was consistently denied daily medications while at the detention centers. On one occasion while staying in Krome, he suffered an epileptic seizure as a result of the lack of medication and tumbled down a flight of fourteen stairs. The accident caused him multiple critical injuries, which now bind him to a wheelchair and severely impair his mobility and daily activities.
The Complaint further addresses the other various ways in which Mr. Mugaburu was mistreated, including how he was placed in segregation units for consecutive weeks because detention facilities were ill-equipped to accommodate disabled detainees and the improper and inhumane way Mr. Mugaburu was transferred between facilities by ICE officials.
Though the judge in the case dismissed the case against ICE and DHS on technical grounds, the judge permitted the Mugaburu’s negligence action to proceed and move forward towards trial.?
As stated by attorney Eduardo A. Maura: “though we think ICE and DHS hold responsibility as well, and disagree with the judge in that regard, we are happy that Mr. Mugaburu’s case will be able to proceed at least against Akima. We look forward to actively litigating this case and having a jury decide Mr. Mugaburu’s claim.”?
For more information about our civil rights and civil litigation practice, please visit?www.lawayala.com. You may also reach Attorney Eduardo A. Maura by call at 305-570-2208, or email him at?[email protected].