A day in the life of... a Hutch games analyst

A day in the life of... a Hutch games analyst

What’s life as a games analyst at Hutch like? Here’s one of our senior analysts, Anna to spill the beans!

Anna looking at the camera

What brought you to Hutch?

I got a call from a head-hunter, he offered me a bunch of opportunities, and I got curious about Hutch. At the time, I was working in gaming already, but as a marketing analyst. Game analytics fascinated me though. Then I had the interviews, met the team, had the cultural interview – and the rest is history.

Tell us a bit about your role…

I’ve been at Hutch for nearly 4 years now – time flies! Currently I work as a senior games analyst, managing a team of 3 brilliant analysts. Gamewise I work primarily on F1 Clash and Top Drives, our biggest titles.

Games analyst is an extremely interesting and multi-faceted role: I analyse game performance, investigate new and old features, monetization, IAP offers, user progression, engagement – literally everything!

Anna’s Day:

What’s the first thing you do when you get to work?

Typically we start our days with a stand-up. It could be either an analytics team morning stand-up, or a game team one. At Hutch, game analysts are integrated into game teams, so we attend team meetings and stay on top of the latest developments.

Sometimes I have some time before the stand-up and then I try to evaluate the tasks for the day, check my calendar, maybe block some time in it depending on what I have on my plate and how urgent my tasks are.

A typical morning task is…

It is so challenging to pick a typical morning task as often each day ends up being different. Usually in the morning I follow up on outstanding tasks, unblock my colleagues in case their work is pending because of something that I need to do. Or, I might be filling in a deck for a weekly meeting, making some notes for planning – you name it.

A typical afternoon task is…

In the afternoon/evening I usually try to start on tasks that require concentration and lack of distractions. Usually it is a “chunky” analytics task, e.g. re-evaluation of a certain kind of live-ops, churn analysis or matchmaking evaluation.

If I am very tired from the day, then I’d pick something relatively easy for the end of the day: testing analytics, gathering the data for future analysis or something like that.

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The Hutch Family:

Describe Hutch using 3 words…

Fun, understanding and encouraging. That’s the atmosphere I feel around here.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Hutch?

I have several, as usual. First, the people. I don’t think I’ve ever worked in a company with such high concentration of experts. Also, I feel like we are on the same wavelengths with a lot of Hutchies. I made some amazing friends while working at Hutch.

Secondly, the job itself! I am constantly amazed by the sheer amount of skills I improved at Hutch: analysis, storytelling, presentation, management, communication. Days are very different from one another, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. But if I stop and just list the things I work on… I get so proud and happy.

In addition, Hutch has been very supportive in my public speaking and article-writing efforts, which I value a lot.

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Any tips for people applying for a job at Hutch?

Don’t hesitate to apply for a job you want even if you are not 100% qualified for it – some skills can be learnt if you have the right attitude. Write a cover letter, play Hutch games, and if invited to an interview, be yourself and show us what you got!

Like the sound of working at Hutch? Check our our latest vacancies here: https://www.hutch.io/careers/

And follow us on Insta to get more glimpses into life at Hutch.

Thanks for reading!

And thank you to Anna for answering the questions!


