Axoni Quarterly Digest: Feature Launches, Awards, and Insights

Axoni Quarterly Digest: Feature Launches, Awards, and Insights

In this quarterly digest, you’ll find the latest updates from Axoni, including feature releases, market adoption, and highlights from our press coverage over the past few months.?

Axoni’s data platform is used across markets to replicate data in real time from service providers to end users. Some features that our clients have been particularly excited about include:?

  • Automated Schema Management: When a data Producer (e.g. market infrastructure provider) adds a new field or table, replicas at end users automatically update with the new data structure
  • MongoDB Replication: Support for MongoDB, including real-time replication from a service provider using a relational data store
  • Equity Swaps Data: Customers of the Veris equity swaps network are using Axoni's updated data platform to automatically replicate swap data from Veris in real time to their own internal systems, enabling flexible data consumption for high-volume data like portfolio swaps
  • Market Infrastructure Deployment: Axoni’s data platform was successfully deployed at one of the world’s leading market infrastructure providers in April; automated data replication will be available to their clients in the near future. Keep an eye out for more details soon.

Check out our updated PRODUCT page to learn more about how Axoni technology offers the easiest way to share and consume critical data.?

Vote for Axoni - FTF News Technology Innovation Awards: "Best Data Management Solution

Axoni is nominated by FTF News for “Best Data Management Solution” among esteemed peers who have made significant strides and noteworthy achievements in operational excellence. VOTE HERE

A-Team Innovation Awards - Axoni Wins "Most Innovative Data Quality Initiative"

In April, Axoni won the “Most Innovative Data Quality Initiative” award by A-Team Group. READ MORE

Risk.Net: Top 10 Op Risks: Third Parties Stoke Cyber Risk

Axoni CEO Greg Schvey notes how high-profile cyber attacks on vendors have increased interest in local, real-time replicas of the data that end users rely on from these third-party services. If firms have the data backed up locally in real time - a feature offered exclusively by Axoni’s platform - even if the provider goes offline, users still have internalized everything up to that point and know the latest state of their outstanding risk. READ MORE

Traders Magazine: Outlook 2024

See full details on Greg’s 2024 industry outlook in Traders Magazine, including? operational efficiency amid growing cost pressures and continued market infrastructure adoption by firms looking to enhance automation and efficiency. READ MORE

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