Axis Money IQ Knowledge Nugget - 203

Axis Money IQ Knowledge Nugget - 203

Understanding Momentum Investing

Several different styles of investing can be used by modern investors. One such style is momentum investing. Momentum investing is not a new idea. Investors have been noticing momentum-based behaviour in the financial markets for centuries. Let’s dive into what momentum investing is and how it works.?

What is Momentum Investing?

Momentum investing works on the premise that stocks that have been doing relatively well are likely to keep doing well. Essentially, the price “momentum” of the stock can be used to gauge the future direction of the stock.?

Momentum investing involves buying stocks that have been delivering good returns in the recent past and aiming to sell them at even higher prices. While the concept of momentum is usually applied to individual stocks, it can also be effectively applied to sectors as well as the market as a whole.?

A momentum strategy targets stocks that are currently potentially performing well just like how in cricket, the batsman in form plays well when the weather conditions and the pitch are favourable.?

Benefits and potential Risks Involved in Momentum Investing

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