Axelle Day, a privileged time dedicated to progress and innovation in Safran Nacelles
We are now closing the 9th edition of Axelle Day, which took place simultaneously on our eight main sites: Burnley, Casablanca, Florange, Hamburg, Le Havre, Pont-Audemer, Saclay and Toulouse. Once again this year, the discussions, the dynamism, the sharing of our various innovation and improvement approaches took centre stage.
Our 4,000 employees, our main asset, are at the heart of Safran Nacelles’ strategy and performance. They have displayed their capacity to transform our organisation, to innovate and continuously strive towards operational excellence in order to enhance our nacelle customers’ satisfaction.
In 2018, 7,000 improvement ideas were deployed over all of the organisation’s areas, from the simplest to the most elaborate, with the undying ambition to create value and further satisfy our customers. Axelle days have now been regularly organised for the past 9 years in order to sustain the momentum which keeps intensifying, thanks to their stimulating impulse effect. These convivial days that bring people together, at all levels, aim to explain the various transformation project challenges, to put forward and praise initiatives taken, results obtained, as well as to introduce and enthuse even more employees into our company’s innovation and development actions.
Having spent the day amongst the men and women of our various departments, I can vouch for the investment of our personnel, thanks to whom we are able to consolidate the position of Safran Nacelles as worldwide leader of aircraft nacelles and related services.
I am proud and I salute all of you for your commitment and the collaborative focus of Safran Nacelles to uncompromisingly strive towards improving our performance and meeting our customers’ expectations in the best possible way.