Axe > Carpenter?
From today’s reading...
“Will the axe boast against him who hews with it?
Will the saw exalt itself above him who wields it?”
Assyria was sent to teach Judah a lesson but the Assyrian leaders had their own agenda and took things too far.
Their success went to their heads.
They then learned the hard way how fleeting material and temporal successes are:
“And instead of his glory there will be kindling
like the kindling of fire.”
You and I were created intentionally and for a purpose.
We were created to brighten every room.
You heard me correctly.
You were created to brighten every room.
But before you go and get all “Arrogant Assyrian Army” on me keep in mind I didn’t say you brighten every room by entering it.
Sometimes you brighten the room by leaving it.
(Ouch! The truth hurts now don’t it? That’s alright. Rub a little dirt on it.)
I get it. Sometimes things just don’t go your way. Some days are better than others and from time to time you’re just not the best version of yourself.
Just make sure those are the exceptions and not the rule.
You can choose to be the positive example for those around you and be the light in every room because shining bright is the only way to...
Stay the course.
Keep the faith.
Now go sell something.