Axcient x360: Pushing Backup Disaster Recovery Ahead
Data protection solutions are your critical last safety net when all else fails. And yet, there’s no obvious solution for how to solve for this. Instead, it often involves a patchwork of overly expensive vendors, nervous hope during recoveries, and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears beating backup systems into compliance.
Axcient alleviates those headaches with a different approach.
Let’s walk you through Axcient’s all-in-one solution to make data protection, backup and business continuity easier, safer, and more secure. See how we got to this point and understand the current and future problems we’re solving. Forget your preconceptions about painful backups and join us on our journey to cure data loss!
Read the entire series in the links below:
Are you ready for something different? Of course you are! Let’s get started…
What’s wrong with this picture? (A lot!)
Beep, beep. Beep, beep. It’s 3 a.m. and your phone jolts you awake with an alert that your largest client’s production server is down – and its tax season. Or maybe…beep, beep. Beep, beep. Another mid-sleep alarm tells you a software vendor was hacked, and as a result, several clients are infected with ransomware – and you’re on vacation with your family.
These real-life nightmares might make you question your career in IT. The reality is, you’re protecting incredibly valuable, business critical data that is susceptible to technology shortcomings, and under siege by cyber criminals.
Ransomware is a big business that’s growing fast, and?MSPs are being targeted?for the aggregation of data you protect. Cloud, infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) are becoming commonplace in the small to medium-sized business (SMB) environments you protect, further complicating incident prevention, and data protection and recovery.
What’s a well-intentioned, well-informed MSP to do? Utilize more vendors of course!
MSPs are dealing with significantly more vendors than in the past. To combat growing and more intelligent cyber-attacks, while at that the same time, catering to client needs based on business size, budget and individual preferences, AND confirming backup processes to get that oh so necessary night of sleep – there are a lot of factors to juggle at the same time. Especially because, as we all know, it’s not a question of?if?your clients need to recover data, but?when?they need to recover data.
With backups being the last line of defense, many MSPs are spending hundreds of hours of labor each year on backup testing and validation. There are more types of data in our modern IT environments than ever before, which makes disaster recovery (DR) testing harder than ever. Because of the effort required, testing is usually only done quarterly, annually, or perhaps not at all – leaving plenty of gaps for issues to arise between tests.
The problem with this picture is a combination of complex risks, fragile solutions, labor intensive management, and an ever-evolving ecosystem that introduces new players, complications, and tools…just when you think you’ve figured it out. We’ve largely accepted this as the status quo. Even allowing software vendors to point the finger at users when something goes wrong or blame the underlying infrastructure as the problem – none of which actually helps clients recover their data when they need it most.
Rejecting Mediocrity with Technology
I didn’t just run through all that to challenge your career or send you down a spiral of regret. I did it to highlight how comfortable we’ve gotten with the status quo of managing our clients using the tools that exist. Now, what if we throw that picture out, and start over?
Technology should make things easier and safer, not more complex and painful. You shouldn’t have to make-do with a patchwork of vendors and an exhaustive amount of manual labor to do the right thing for your clients.
I’m inviting you to join Axcient in rejecting this mediocre, passive approach to supporting clients. Let’s abandon our beliefs of the past and imagine a new way of protecting data that utilizes the best technology we have. Meanwhile, creating modern, value-first solutions to fill-in-the-blanks and solve the problems we confront daily.
Can you hear that rally cry? Que the music from that hit single by Twisted Sister…
“…we’re not gonna take it.
No, we ain’t gonna take it.
Oh, we’re not gonna take it anymore!”
Building on our 20-years of cloud-first data protection experience, Axcient is out to cure the world of data loss! The new picture we’re painting is comprehensive, simple, and free of headaches and sleepless nights. No fires interrupting the peaceful life we should have in IT, but rather an unquestionable, unbreakable last line defense against any unforeseen eventuality.
One Platform to Rule Them All
Total Protection, Recoverability, and Accessibility
And our vision to make your data visible and discoverable through our unique SmartSearch and SmartAnalytics technologies.
That rally cry is coming back to me…
“…we’ve got the right to choose it.
There ain’t no way we’ll lose it.
This is our life, this is our?song?stack.”
Gets me excited!
About the Author: Kevin Hoffman // Founder & CTO, Axcient
Kevin is the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Axcient. In 2002, John Williams, George Welborn and Kevin Hoffman saw the opportunity to reinvent data protection and became pioneers bringing transformative cloud services to the IT channel. Kevin brings over 20 years of experience solving business challenges with software and cloud technology through a value- and team-centric approach.
He earned a B.S. in Computer Science from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University. His published research includes work on memory programming models, language theory & runtimes, aspect-oriented programming, software modularity, dynamic software analysis, automated debugging, and reputation systems. Beyond work, he is a family man, and has avid interests in piano, cycling, skiing, and physics.?