AWS Sumo Logic: Analyzing Cryptic Log Files is Simple Now!
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AWS Sumo Logic: Analyzing Cryptic Log Files is Simple Now!

System administrators and analysts analyze terabytes of data from log files to understand security breaches or derive inferences, right? What if the entire process of analyzing log files is simplified??

Yes, AWS Sumo Logic is an intelligent global tool designed to derive security insights and it makes your life easier by collecting, managing, and analyzing your log data by considering various parameters. Its intelligent algorithm converts millions of log data to human-understandable log patterns so that you can analyze the logs and find any security issues.?

This CloudThat blog post introduces features of AWS Sumo Logic and teaches in a step-by-step manner- "How to set up Sumo Logic to visualize S3 Audit Logs."?

Are you eager to learn these steps? Read the complete blog post here...?

Authored By: Rishi Raj, Cloud Expert, CloudThat



