AWS Storage Class

AWS Storage Class is a little bit confusing for beginners, to make this concept clear, a few lines are written:

Storage Tier or Storage Classes:

  1. STANDARD: by default everyone uses standard because it is 99.99% available, durable and stored redundantly across multiple devices over multiple datacenter to maintain availability and durability.

Your data can be sustain if 2 facilities where the data is stored got technically unavailable at the same time or concurrently.

On this storage class data is available with least latency. The only data should be kept require to access frequently.

2. S3 – IA (infrequent Accessed): the data access is infrequent can be stored in IA class, the only advantage over Glacier is, IA provide prompt access to data when it is needed. It is cheaper as compare to STANDARD Class storage, AWS would charge only when you retrieve the data. Even, In this class data is stored in multi facilities of AWS cloud under your specified region.

3. One Zone – IA: If you think data is not required to store over multiple facilities to avoid access cost, one Zone – IA is recommended.

4. Glacier (AWS Storage Service) is very cheap, and we can use it for data archival. It this tier standard retrieval time for data is higher (in Hrs). In simple language, if you do not care about retrieval time, you can use this to store data for later use.



