AWS RDS to GCP AlloyDB (Postgres) Migration using GCP DMS

AWS RDS to GCP AlloyDB (Postgres) Migration using GCP DMS

Contents Credits : Raj Kumar

Source and Destination:

Source - AWS RDS PostgreSQL

Destination - GCP AlloyDB PostgreSQL

Source PostgreSQL Version - 13.9. Modify Instance to use the Custom Parameter Group if not done.

Destination PostgreSQL Version - 14

Let’s validate if the source PostgreSQL is up and Running.

dvdrental=> select pg_postmaster_start_time()
? ?pg_postmaster_start_time
?2023-02-12 00:40:09.588471+00
(1 row)

dvdrental=> select now();
? ? ? ? ? ? ? now
?2023-02-12 01:07:11.121295+00
(1 row)


We have created the Source Database with 15MB data. Maximum row count is ‘16044’ rows for 'Rental Table. We have Functions, Triggers and views and Sequences created in the Source Database.

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dvdrental=# select count(*) from rental
(1 row)

dvdrental=# select count(*) from payment;
(1 row)

dvdrental=# select * from rental limit 5;
?rental_id |? ? ?rental_date? ? ?| inventory_id | customer_id |? ? ?return_date? ? ?| staff_id |? ? ?last_update
? ? ? ? ?2 | 2005-05-24 22:54:33 |? ? ? ? ?1525 |? ? ? ? ?459 | 2005-05-28 19:40:33 |? ? ? ? 1 | 2006-02-16 02:30:53
? ? ? ? ?3 | 2005-05-24 23:03:39 |? ? ? ? ?1711 |? ? ? ? ?408 | 2005-06-01 22:12:39 |? ? ? ? 1 | 2006-02-16 02:30:53
? ? ? ? ?4 | 2005-05-24 23:04:41 |? ? ? ? ?2452 |? ? ? ? ?333 | 2005-06-03 01:43:41 |? ? ? ? 2 | 2006-02-16 02:30:53
? ? ? ? ?5 | 2005-05-24 23:05:21 |? ? ? ? ?2079 |? ? ? ? ?222 | 2005-06-02 04:33:21 |? ? ? ? 1 | 2006-02-16 02:30:53
? ? ? ? ?6 | 2005-05-24 23:08:07 |? ? ? ? ?2792 |? ? ? ? ?549 | 2005-05-27 01:32:07 |? ? ? ? 1 | 2006-02-16 02:30:53
(5 rows)

dvdrental=# select * from payment limit 5;
?payment_id | customer_id | staff_id | rental_id | amount |? ? ? ? payment_date
? ? ? 17503 |? ? ? ? ?341 |? ? ? ? 2 |? ? ? 1520 |? ?7.99 | 2007-02-15 22:25:46.996577
? ? ? 17504 |? ? ? ? ?341 |? ? ? ? 1 |? ? ? 1778 |? ?1.99 | 2007-02-16 17:23:14.996577
? ? ? 17505 |? ? ? ? ?341 |? ? ? ? 1 |? ? ? 1849 |? ?7.99 | 2007-02-16 22:41:45.996577
? ? ? 17506 |? ? ? ? ?341 |? ? ? ? 2 |? ? ? 2829 |? ?2.99 | 2007-02-19 19:39:56.996577
? ? ? 17507 |? ? ? ? ?341 |? ? ? ? 2 |? ? ? 3130 |? ?7.99 | 2007-02-20 17:31:48.996577
(5 rows)

dvdrental=# \d rental
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Table "public.rental"
? ? Column? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? Type? ? ? ? ? ? ?| Collation | Nullable |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Default
?rental_id? ? | integer? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?|? ? ? ? ? ?| not null | nextval('rental_rental_id_seq'::regclass)
?rental_date? | timestamp without time zone |? ? ? ? ? ?| not null |
?inventory_id | integer? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?|? ? ? ? ? ?| not null |
?customer_id? | smallint? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ?| not null |
?return_date? | timestamp without time zone |? ? ? ? ? ?|? ? ? ? ? |
?staff_id? ? ?| smallint? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ?| not null |
?last_update? | timestamp without time zone |? ? ? ? ? ?| not null | now()
? ? "rental_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (rental_id)
? ? "idx_fk_inventory_id" btree (inventory_id)
? ? "idx_unq_rental_rental_date_inventory_id_customer_id" UNIQUE, btree (rental_date, inventory_id, customer_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
? ? "rental_customer_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customer(customer_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
? ? "rental_inventory_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (inventory_id) REFERENCES inventory(inventory_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE RESTRICT
? ? "rental_staff_id_key" FOREIGN KEY (staff_id) REFERENCES staff(staff_id)
Referenced by:
? ? TABLE "payment" CONSTRAINT "payment_rental_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (rental_id) REFERENCES rental(rental_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
? ? last_updated BEFORE UPDATE ON rental FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION last_updated()


Migration Strategy:

Using GCP DMS - Full Load and CDC

Configuring the Source AWS RDS PostgreSQL:

Connect to the instance and set the following parameters, as needed:

Create pglogical Extension at source,

  • Set the parameter shared_preload_libraries to pglogical in the RDS Custom parameter group

[root@ip-172-31-13-25 restore_dir]# psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d dvdrenta
Password for user postgres:
psql (13.9)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

dvdrental=> show shared_preload_libraries ;
? ? ? ?shared_preload_libraries
(1 row)

dvdrental=> create extension pglogical;
dvdrental=> \dx
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?List of installed extensions
? ?Name? ? | Version |? ?Schema? ?|? ? ? ? ? Description
?pglogical | 2.4.1? ?| pglogical? | PostgreSQL Logical Replication
?plpgsql? ?| 1.0? ? ?| pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(2 rows)

dvdrental=> select * FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension;
? oid? |? extname? | extowner | extnamespace | extrelocatable | extversion | extconfig | extcondition
?14281 | plpgsql? ?|? ? ? ?10 |? ? ? ? ? ?11 | f? ? ? ? ? ? ? | 1.0? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ?|
?25305 | pglogical |? ? ? ?10 |? ? ? ? 25304 | f? ? ? ? ? ? ? | 2.4.1? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ?|
(2 rows)


postgres=>? create extension pglogical;
postgres=> select * FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension;
? oid? |? extname? | extowner | extnamespace | extrelocatable | extversion | extconfig | extcondition
?14281 | plpgsql? ?|? ? ? ?10 |? ? ? ? ? ?11 | f? ? ? ? ? ? ? | 1.0? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ?|
?16931 | pglogical |? ? ? ?10 |? ? ? ? 16930 | f? ? ? ? ? ? ? | 2.4.1? ? ? |? ? ? ? ? ?|
(2 rows)


  • Set wal_level to logical.

Set the rds.logical_replication parameter in your DB CLUSTER parameter group to 1. ( RDS databases → select rds instance → Configuration tab →Parameter Group → Edit parameters ? ). If you set the rds.logical_replication parameter value to 1, AWS RDS sets the wal_level, max_wal_senders, max_replication_slots, and max_connections parameters automatically.

dvdrental=> show wal_level
(1 row)

dvdrental=> show max_wal_senders;
(1 row)

dvdrental=> show max_replication_slots;
(1 row)        

  • Set wal_sender_timeout to 0.

To set this parameter, modify the ‘postgresql.conf’ file in the Data Directory.

Here 0 disables the timeout mechanism that’s used to terminate inactive replication connections.

dvdrental=> show wal_sender_timeout
(1 row)        

  • max_replication_slots defines the maximum number of replication slots the source instance can support. It must be set to at least the number of subscriptions expected to connect, plus some reserves for table synchronization.

For example, if there are 5 databases on the source instance and if there will be 2 migration jobs created for the source, then the number of replication slots must be at least 5 * 2 = 10, plus the number of replication slots already used by you.

To set this parameter, modify the Custom Parameter Group.

dvdrental=> show max_replication_slots
(1 row);        

  • max_wal_senders should be set to at least the same as max_replication_slots, plus the number of senders already used on your instance.

For example, if the max_replication_slots parameter is set to 10, and you’re already using 2 senders, then the number of WAL sender processes running at the same time would be 10 + 2 = 12.

To set this parameter, modify the Custom Parameter Group.

dvdrental=> show max_wal_senders

  • To apply the configuration changes for all the above steps, restart the source instance.

Configuring the GCP DMS:

  1. Create a source connection profile

  • Go to the Database Migration page in the Google Cloud Console.
  • Go to the Connection profiles page and click on create profile.
  • Select a Source database engine as `Postgresql’ from the drop-down list
  • Enter a Connection profile name. This is used in the connection profile list as well as when an existing connection profile is selected in the creation of a migration job.
  • Keep the auto-generated Connection profile ID.
  • Enter hostname, port name, username and password to connect to the source database.
  • Select the region and click on create.

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Create a migration job

Go to the Migration jobs page in the Google Cloud Console.

  • Click CREATE MIGRATION JOB at the top of the page.
  • Provide a name for the migration job. Choose a friendly name that helps you identify the migration job. Do not include sensitive or personally identifiable information in the job name.
  • Keep the auto-generated Migration job ID.
  • Select the source database engine.
  • Select the destination region for your migration. This is where the Database Migration Service instance is created, and should be selected based on the location of the services that need your data, such as Compute Engine instances and App Engine apps, and other services. Once chosen, this selection can’t be changed.
  • Specify the migration job type: Continuous (snapshot + ongoing changes).
  • Click SAVE & CONTINUE.

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Define a source

As we have already created a connection profile, then select it from the list of existing connection profiles.


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Create a Destination AlloyDB Cluster & Instance

1. Provide a Destination instance ID (This will be you destination cloud sql instance name)

2. Provide an alphanumeric Root password for the destination Cloud SQL instance. This will be the password for the root administrator account in the instance.

You can either enter the password manually or click GENERATE to have the Database Migration Service for PostgreSQL create one for you automatically.

Tip: To see the password in clear text, click the Reveal icon. This icon looks like an eye.

3. Choose the database version for the destination instance from the list of supported Database Migration Service versions for the specified database engine.

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4. Review the cluster type and then configure your cluster,

5. Configure your cluster and then configure your primary instance,

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  • 6. In the Create destination database window, click CREATE DESTINATION & CONTINUE to create the new instance. This may take up to several minutes.
  • Define connectivity method
  • From the Connectivity method drop-down menu, select a network connectivity method. This method defines how the newly created AlloyDB cluster will connect to the source database.
  • Choose the Preferred Network Connectivity Method as suggested in the below page,

Networking methods ?|? Database Migration Service ?|? Google Cloud

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  • Refer below links for Network Subnet Selections,

Subnets ?|? VPC ?|? Google Cloud

Configure connectivity using reverse SSH tunnel ?|? Database Migration Service ?|? Google Cloud

  • Create the Subnet according to document.

Setup SSH Tunnel between your machine with access to the source and the newly created VM.

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Install GCloud CLI in AWS EC2 Machine,

Install the gcloud CLI ?|? Google Cloud

Run the below Script in the source AWS EC2 Machine,

[root@ip-172-31-13-25 ~]# cat
set -e
export VM_NAME=cbasetoalloydbpginstance
export PROJECT_ID=cc-data-sandbox
export VM_ZONE=asia-southeast1-b
export VM_MACHINE_TYPE=n1-standard-1
export SUBNET_NAME=alloydb
export VM_PORT=5432

function verify_connectivity_to_source_db {
? if [[ "${VERIFY_CONNECTIVITY}" = true ]]; then
? ? if [[ $- =~ e ]]; then
? ? ? USE_E=true
? ? ? set +e
? ? fi

? ? NETCAT=$(which nc)
? ? if [[ -n "${NETCAT}" ]]; then
? ? ? echo "Verifying connectivity via netcat command to source DB: IP ${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_IP} port ${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_PORT}"
? ? ? nc -zv "${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_IP}" "${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_PORT}" &> /dev/null
? ? ? NC_RES=$?
? ? ? if (( NC_RES == 0 )); then
? ? ? ? echo "Connection to source DB verified"
? ? ? else
? ? ? ? echo "Connection refused, please verify that the machine you are using to run the script can connect to the source database at ${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_IP}:${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_PORT}"
? ? ? ? exit $NC_RES
? ? ? fi
? ? else
? ? ? echo "Verifying connectivity via /dev/tcp command to source DB: IP ${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_IP} port ${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_PORT}"
? ? ? DEV_TCP_CMD="cat < /dev/null > /dev/tcp/${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_IP}/${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_PORT}"
? ? ? timeout 5 bash -c "${DEV_TCP_CMD}" &> /dev/null
? ? ? DEV_TCP_RES=$?
? ? ? ? if (( DEV_TCP_RES == 0 )); then
? ? ? ? ? echo "Connection to source DB verified"
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? echo "Connection refused, please verify that the machine you are using to run the script can connect to the source database at ${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_IP}:${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_PORT}"
? ? ? ? ? exit $DEV_TCP_RES
? ? ? ? fi
? ? fi

? ? if [[ "$USE_E" = true ]]; then
? ? ? set -e
? ? fi
? fi

function create_instance {
? echo "Creating a virtual machine (VM) instance named '${VM_NAME}' in zone '${VM_ZONE}'"
? gcloud compute instances create "${VM_NAME}" --machine-type "${VM_MACHINE_TYPE}" --zone "${VM_ZONE}" --project="${PROJECT_ID}" --subnet "${SUBNET_NAME}"
? if [[ $- =~ e ]]; then
? ? USE_E=true
? ? set +e
? fi


? echo "Validating ssh connectivity to ${VM_NAME}"
? ? gcloud compute ssh "${VM_NAME}" --zone="${VM_ZONE}" --project="${PROJECT_ID}" -- 'true' && break
? ? ? echo "Retry ${CURRENT_NUM_OF_SSH_RETRIES}/${MAX_NUM_OF_SSH_RETRIES} - ssh to \"${VM_NAME}\" --zone=\"${VM_ZONE}\" --project=\"${PROJECT_ID}\" Failed. Retrying in $SSH_RETRY_INTERVAL seconds"
? ? fi
? done

? ? echo "Failed to establish ssh connection with ${VM_NAME} in project ${PROJECT_ID} and zone ${VM_ZONE}. Learn more:"
? ? exit 1
? fi

? if [[ "$USE_E" = true ]]; then
? ? set -e
? fi

? echo "${VM_NAME} is accessible through ssh"
? gcloud compute ssh "${VM_NAME}" --zone="${VM_ZONE}" --project="${PROJECT_ID}" -- 'echo "GatewayPorts yes" | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config && sudo service ssh restart'
? private_ip=$(gcloud compute instances describe "${VM_NAME}" --zone="${VM_ZONE}" --project="${PROJECT_ID}" --format='get(networkInterfaces[0].networkIP)')
? echo "VM instance '${VM_NAME}' created with private ip ${private_ip}"
function create_reverse_ssh_tunnel {
? echo "Setting up SSH tunnel between the source and the VM on port '${VM_PORT}'"
  gcloud compute ssh "${VM_NAME}" --zone="${VM_ZONE}" --project="${PROJECT_ID}" -- -f -N -R "${VM_PORT}:${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_IP}:${SOURCE_DB_LOCAL_PORT}"
  ? if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then
  ? ? echo "SSH tunnel is ready on port ${VM_PORT}"
  ? fi
  [root@ip-172-31-13-25 ~]#        

You should run the above script on the source EC2 Machine that has connectivity to the source AWS RDS PostgreSQL Instance. It will create an Compute Engine Machine in GCP Environment and Set up the SSH tunnel between your machine with access to the source and the newly created VM

[root@ip-172-31-13-25 ~]# sh
which: no nc in (/root/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
Verifying connectivity via /dev/tcp command to source DB: IP port 5432
Connection to source DB verified
Creating a virtual machine (VM) instance named 'rajmiginstancecompute' in zone 'asia-southeast1-b'
Created [].
rajmiginstancecompute? asia-southeast1-b? n1-standard-1? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RUNNING

Updates are available for some Google Cloud CLI components.? To install them,
please run:
? $ gcloud components update

Validating ssh connectivity to rajmiginstancecompute
Warning: Permanently added 'compute.5437436962214291788' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connection to closed.
rajmiginstancecompute is accessible through ssh
Existing host keys found in /root/.ssh/google_compute_known_hosts
GatewayPorts yes
Connection to closed.
VM instance 'rajmiginstancecompute' created with private ip
Setting up SSH tunnel between the source and the VM on port '5432'
Existing host keys found in /root/.ssh/google_compute_known_hosts
SSH tunnel is ready on port 5432
[root@ip-172-31-13-25 ~]#        

After you successfully run the script, enter the GCP Bastion VM IP address to allow connection to your destination.

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  • Provide the Internal IP in the GCP Bastion VM IP field.
  • After selecting the network connectivity method and providing any additional information for the method, click CONFIGURE & CONTINUE.
  • Test and create the migration job
  • 1. On this final step, review the summary of the migration job settings, source, destination, and connectivity method, and then test the validity of the migration job setup. If any issues are encountered, then you can modify settings. Not all settings are editable.
  • 2. Click TEST JOB to verify that: It will test the below things:
  • The source has been configured based on the prerequisites.
  • The source and destination instances are able to communicate with each other.
  • Any updates to private or public IP addresses needed on the destination are done.
  • Resolve all network Security Group Issues if you face any.
  • The migration job is valid, and the source and destination versions are compatible.

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  • Click CREATE JOB to create the migration job.
  • After creating the job go to the database migration page and open a job created by you and click on start to start it.
  • Note: After starting the DMS job there should not be any DDL operations running on the source database. If you want to run DDL operation you need to run that on cloud sql instance first then on source database to avoid job failure or data sync failure.
  • Keep in mind: For tables in your source PostgreSQL database that don't have primary keys, only the initial snapshot and INSERT statements are migrated.

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Once the job has been started after some time the status of job will be changed as below

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And then once dump and restore completed job status will be changed as below

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Keep monitoring the job, you can see lag between both the servers as below.

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Also keep monitoring the storage usage by destination instance, that will give an idea of how much data has been migrated (in this snap till now 30 GB data has been migrated).

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Once you see replication as 0 bytes for a long time, it means all the data has been migrated to the destination instance.

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We can view the errors and Log Information from ‘Logs Explorer’ page.

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Data Validation:

You need to confirm that Database Migration Service used the migration job to migrate data from your source database instance to the destination AlloyDB database instance.

  1. Go to the AlloyDB?Clusters?page in the Google Cloud console.
  2. Go to the AlloyDB Clusters page
  3. Click the read replica entry of your migration job.
  4. Click the?Activate Cloud Shell?icon that appears in the upper-right region of the page.
  5. At the Cloud Shell prompt, press?Enter.
  6. Optional: If an?Authorize Cloud Shell?dialog box appears, then click?Authorize.
  7. At the?Enter password?prompt, enter the password that you either provided or that Database Migration Service generated for you in?Define and create the destination AlloyDB instance.
  8. At the?postgres?prompt, enter?\list?to list the databases and verify that you see your source database instance.
  9. At the?postgres?prompt, enter?\connect?SOURCE_DB_NAME?because you want to see the tables associated with this database instance. The name of the prompt changes from?postgres?to?SOURCE_DB_NAME.
  10. At the?SOURCE_DB_NAME?prompt, enter?\dt?to see the tables of this instance.
  11. At the?SOURCE_DB_NAME?prompt, enter?GRANT alloydbexternalsync to?USER;?because you want to give this user permission to access the data in the tables of this instance.
  12. Replace?USER?with the name of the user you used to connect to the destination database instance.
  13. At the?SOURCE_DB_NAME?prompt, enter?SELECT * from?TABLE_NAME;?to see the information that's replicated from a table in your source database instance.
  14. Verify that you see the correct information in the table.

This confirms that Database Migration Service migrated the data.

Promoting a migration:

Stop all writes, running scripts and client connections to the source database. The downtime period begins here and promote the cloud sql instance as master by clicking on “PROMOTE”. Promotion means that the destination Cloud SQL instance is disconnected from the source, and is promoted from a replica instance to a primary instance.

Promote disconnects the source from the destination, and promotes the destination to be a writeable instance. It's recommended to stop writes to the source, and to wait until the replication delay is at zero before initiating promote.

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Thus, we have completed the Migration from AWS RDS PostgreSQL to CloudSQL PostgreSQL successfully.

For establishing successful connection to AlloyDB, you should follow steps to Configure Private Service Connection. Currently, we don’t have permission to do it.

Enable private services access ?|? AlloyDB for PostgreSQL ?|? Google Cloud

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Now that the migration and cutover to alloydb have been accomplished, daatabase will function normally in alloydb. This is the point at which the application must point to the GCP alloydb.

Reference Links

Configure your source ?|? Database Migration Service ?|? Google Cloud

Known limitations ?|? Database Migration Service ?|? Google Cloud

Content Credits : @raj kumar

Ashis Kumar Nahak

Cloud Engineer || DevOps Engineer || DevSecOps || DBA || I AM Developer || Cloud Support & Development || Open Source Developer

1 年

Nice .. Jisto jose , can you tell me how to migrate keycloak-16 version to keycloak-18 version migrate with mssql database in kubernets cluster without any data fail. And azure work space also



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