AWS Elastic Load Balancer
Lê Qu?c D?ng
?Backend Java Developer @ FPT Software | Database Developer | AWS Cloud Engineer
- Are servers that forward traffic to multiple servers.
- Is managed service
- Can integrate with many AWS services: EC2, ASG, ECS, ACM, CloudWatch, Route 53, WAF, Global Accelerator
Heath check
? Health Checks are crucial for Load Balancers
? They enable the load balancer to know if the instances it forwards traffic to are available to reply to requests
? The health check is done on a port and a route (health is common)
? If the response is not 200 (OK), then the instance is unhealthy
- Clasic Load balancer: support HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SSL
- Application Load Balancer: HTTP, HTTPS, Websocket.
- Network Load Balancer: TCP, TLS, UDP
- Gateway Load Balancer: Operate at layer 3 (Network Layer)
=> Recommend using newer generation LB as they provide more features.
- Some LBs can be set up as internal or external ELBs.
Application Load Balancer
- Layer 7 (HTTP)
- Load balancing to multiple HTTP applications across machines (target groups)
- Load balancing to multiple applications on the same machine (containers)
- Support HTTP/2 and Websocket.
- Support redirects (from HTTP to HTTPS)
Type of routing
- Path-based routing
- Host-based routing
- Routing based on query string and headers
- Has port mapping feature to direct to dynamic port in ECS
Target group types:
- EC2 instances
- ECS tasks
- Lambda functions - HTTP request is translated into JSON event.
- IP addresses - must be private
- ALB can route to multiple target groups
- Health checks are at the target group level.
Point to know
- Fixed hostname
- The application servers don't see the IP of the client directly
- The true IP of the client is inserted in the header X-Forwarded-For
- We can also get the Port by X-Forwarded-Port and proto X-Forwarded-Proto
Network Load Balancer
- Network load balancers (Layer 4) allow to forward TCP & UDP traffic to your instance.
- Handle millions of requests per second.
- Less latency ~100 ms (~400 ms for ALB)
- NLB has one static IP per AZ and supports assigning EIP (helpful for whitelisting specific IP).
- NLB is used for extreme performance, TCP or UDP traffic.
- Not included in AWS Free Tier
Price is based on:
- $0.0225 per Load Balancer hour (or partial hour)
- $0.006 per NLCU-hour (or partial hour)
- $0.006 per NAT Gateway hour (or partial hour)
- $0.01 per Elastic IP address associated with a Network Load Balancer per hour (or partial hour)
Target groups
- EC2 instances
- IP Addresses must be private IPs
- Application Load Balancers
Gateway Load Balancer
- Operate at layer 3 (Network Layer)
- Deploy and manage a fleet of 3rd party network virtual appliances in AWS
- Examples: Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, Deep Packet Inspection systems, payload
Target groups
- EC2 instances
- IP addresses must be private IPs
Sticky sessions
- The same client is always redirected to the same instance behind a load balancer.
- This works for Classic Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers, and Network Load Balancers.
- The "cookie" is used to track the instance that has an expiration date to control.
Application-based cookies
- Custom cookie
- Application generates cookies
- It can include any custom attribute required by the application.
- The cookie name must be specified for each target group
- Don't use AWSALB, AWSALBAPP, or AWSALBTG they are reserved and used by ELB.
- Application cookie
- Generated by the load balancer.
- Cookie name is AWSALBAPP
Duration-based cookies
- The cookie is generated by the load balancer.
- Cookie name is AWSALB for ALB, AWSELB for ELB
To enable a sticky session, we need to enable it in the target group.
The steps are as follows:
- Create a target group
- Edit the target group
- Select Action on the target group then Edit attributes
- Enable the sticky session
Cross-zone Load Balancing
- By default, the load balancer will distribute traffic evenly across all registered instances in all AZs.
- It is possible to enable or disable cross-zone load balancing.
- This is done at the target group level.
Application Load Balancer
- This feature is enabled by default. This can enabled at ALB or target group level.
- No charges for inter-AZ data. By default, you will be charged for data transfer between AZs.
Network Load Balancer & Gateway Load Balancer
- This feature is disabled by default. This can be enabled at the target group level.
- You pay charges for inter-AZ data transfer.
Classic Load Balancer
- Disabled by default
- No charges for inter AZ data if enabled.
- Allows traffic between your clients and your LB to be encrypted in transit(in-flight).
- SSL refers to Secure Socket Layer, used to secure the connection between the client and the server.
- TLS refers to Transport Layer Security, the successor of SSL.
- Nowadays, TLS certificates are used for encryption. but people still refer as SSL.
- Public SSL certificates are issued by Certificate Authorities (CA) like Let's Encrypt, Digicert, GoDaddy, etc.
- SSL certificates have an expiration date and must be renewed.
- The load balancer uses X.509 certificate
- You can manage certificatte using ACM (AWS Certificate Manager)
HTTP listener:
- You must specify a default certificate
- You can add an optional list of certs to support multiple domains.
- Clients can use SNI to specify the hostname they reach.
SNI - Server Name Indication
- SNI solves the problem of loading multiple SSL certificates onto one webserver(serve multiple websites)
- It's a new protocol that allows the client to specify the hostname it's trying to connect to at the start of the handshake process.
- The server can then determine which certificate to use for the connection.
- SNI is an extension to the TLS protocol.
- SNI is now widely supported by web browsers and servers.
- ALB, NLB supports multiple listeners with multiple SSL certificates. Use SNI to make it works
- CLB supports one certificate.
Connection Draining
- The connection drain is rename to Deregistration Delay
- Connection draining ensures that the load balancer will complete in-flight requests made to instances that are deregistering or unhealthy.
- Time to complete the in-flight request before deregistering the instance.
- Stops sending new requests to the instance.
- The duration can be set between 1 and 3600 seconds. Default is 300 seconds.
- You can set this value to 0 to disable it.