AWS CloudWatch- Infrequent Access with Lambda and Serverless | Save upto 50% on CW cost.

Jump to TLDR for implementation later in the page, check github repo for full implementation.

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AWS can be expensive, everyone knows that. However, what's truly interesting is understanding how to keep costs manageable. Having worked with AWS for many years, I've learned a host of strategies to maintain a tight budget, and I'm excited to share a new method with you.

Here at Speridian Technologies I have learned the importance of a robust monitoring and observability architecture within AWS. It's not just about gathering data—it's about gaining actionable insights that can guide informed decision-making. But here's the rub: sophisticated monitoring, particularly with AWS CloudWatch, can become prohibitively expensive, especially when you're tracking a large number of resources or when your logging requirements are high.

The costs can sneak up on you. A few cents for a metric here, a few more for an alarm there, and before you know it, you've got a runaway bill that's as opaque as it is oversized. Until now, the strategy has been to be judicious with what you monitor—every log, metric, and dashboard must justify its existence. But that often meant trade-offs between cost and visibility.

That's where the newly launched AWS feature of CloudWatch Infrequent Access comes in. This game-changing service allows users to continue to benefit from CloudWatch's detailed monitoring and observability tools while mitigating cost concerns. AWS CloudWatch Infrequent Access is designed for logging data that you need to keep but access less frequently. It's a more cost-effective solution for long-term storage of operational data, without sacrificing the ability to access this information when you need it. It has its limitation and you have to decide between what to keep in standard and what to push towards infrequent access.

Here's how it works: Instead of persistently storing all data in a higher-cost tier, you can now classify your logs as "infrequent access" based on your access patterns. This data is then stored at a significantly reduced cost, and while access times may be slightly slower along with some other standard features, you can review the table here , it's a trade-off that can lead to substantial savings without compromising on the depth of insight.

Imagine reducing your CloudWatch costs by up to 50% for logs that you access less than once a month. For many businesses, this can translate into thousands of dollars saved annually, making the choice between financial efficiency and operational excellence a dilemma of the past.

Official blog post and many other article online only talks announcement of this feature and manual way of doing it using online console. But we all know, this is not how architecture is deployed in real life. Below I am sharing a quick way on how to set infrequent access for serverless architectures deployed using AWS CloudFormation and SAM.

TLDR; Find full code here on

When we define a lambda in our cloudformation template like this.

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: ../src/job
      Handler: nice-job.handler
      Runtime: nodejs16.x

AWS, under the hood creates log group for us in "STANDARD" class. Which is of course expensive for what it's worth.

Below is how you can define lambda in cloudformation with INFREQUENT_ACCESS log group of cloudwatch.

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: ../src/job
      Handler: nice-job.handler
      Runtime: nodejs16.x
      Timeout: 30
       - AWSLambdaExecute
          - NiceJobLambdaExecRole
          - Arn       
        LogGroup: !Ref NiceJobLogGroup
    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: Allow
            Action: sts:AssumeRole
        - PolicyName: NiceJobLambdaLogging
            Version: "2012-10-17"
              - Effect: Allow
                  - logs:CreateLogStream
                  - logs:PutLogEvents
                Resource: !GetAtt NiceJobLogGroup.Arn
      Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
        LogGroupName: !Sub "/aws/lambda/${AWS::StackName}/NiceJob"
        LogGroupClass: INFREQUENT_ACCESS        

Over here, we are basically creating log group ourselves and assigning a class to it, we also create execution role along with it. This is very simple and straightforward solution which can potentially save thousands of dollars every month.

AWS continues to evolve, and with features like CloudWatch Infrequent Access, it's empowering users to find the right balance between cost and capability. By making the most of this new feature, you can significantly lower your AWS bill while still maintaining the monitoring standards necessary for your operations.

Let me know what you think of it.

Karim Fekry

Cloud Engineer @ 34ML | 2x AWS Certified | 1x Azure Certified

7 个月
Muhammad Umer

Senior Software Engr @ Microsoft, Championed in delivering scalable softwares and web services that powers some of the widely used softwares worldwide. Rock Solid experience of NodeJS, JavaScript, React, Sql/NoSql, C#

7 个月

Another thing i have seen over the years that shoots up the COGS is the inability of sampling telemetry events. Often times teams wants to log everything at a 100% rate, while it may have its benefits during the initial rollout but there are optimization opportunities to sample events at lets say 1-10% to capture the signal and not a detailed dump for prod debugging.


