AWS Aurora Postgres to GCP Cloud SQL Postgres using External Replica With SSL
Jisto Jose
Data Architect | DE | DBE | DB Consultant | DB Migration Expert | 5x Multi-cloud Certificate
In this document, we will conduct a Proof of Concept on AWS Aurora Postgres to GCP Cloud SQL Postgres with External Replica and SSL connections.
This arrangement is suitable for DR purposes and does not rely on any intermediary services.
Source Server Details
Server Type : Amazon Aurora Postgres
Engine version : 11.13
Capacity type : Provisioned
SSL Config : rds.force_ssl Enabled
Public Access : Enabled
Target Server Details
Target Server : GCP CloudSQL Postgres
Engine version : PostgreSQL 11
Source Server Configurations
Go to AWS DB Cluster Parameter group and add 'pglogical' to shared_preload_libraries
Go to AWS DB cluster Parameter group and enable rds.logical_replication
Go to AWS DB cluster Parameter group and set variable wal_sender_timeout to 0
Set max_replication_slots according number of replication slots total required (as minimum), in this case need minimum 2 and we have set for 10
Set max_wal_senders according number of wal senders slots total required (as minimum), in this case need minimum 2 and we have set for 10
Its recommend to have max_worker_processes equals to number of slots
After above steps we have to take reboot aws instance in order to get effect.
Verify settings from psql command. using below commands.
cc_test_db=> show shared_preload_libraries ;
? ? ? ?shared_preload_libraries? ? ? ??
(1 row)
cc_test_db=> show wal_level ;
(1 row)
cc_test_db=> show wal_sender_timeout ;
(1 row)
cc_test_db=> show max_replication_slots ;
(1 row)
cc_test_db=> show max_wal_senders ;
(1 row)
cc_test_db=> show max_worker_processes ;
(1 row)
In this replication, setup can replicate all databases excluding system databases (rdsadmin, template0, template1)
CREATE USER repl_usr WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
GRANT USAGE on SCHEMA public to repl_usr;
GRANT SELECT on ALL SEQUENCES in SCHEMA public to repl_usr;
GRANT SELECT on ALL TABLES in SCHEMA public to repl_usr;
GRANT SELECT on ALL TABLES in SCHEMA pglogical to repl_usr;
GRANT rds_replication to repl_usr;
Target Server Configurations
GCP Side we are configuring instance using Local terminal, First we need to authenticate user and set project in the terminal.
jistojose@jistojose jp_shell % gcloud auth login
jistojose@jistojose gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
Create source representation instance using curl.
To get rds certificate go to below link and download corresponding region file from below link (Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB instance - Amazon Relational Database Service )
From the file we have take certificate value as below.
Add certificate value to below configuration
ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
? ? ? ? ?--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
? ? ? ? ?--data '{"name": "cc-test-master", "region": "asia-south1", "databaseVersion": "POSTGRES_11", "onPremisesConfiguration": { "hostPort": "", "username": "repl_usr", "password": "<Password>", "caCertificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- <Value from certificate> -----END CERTIFICATE-----"}}' \
? ? ? ? ?-X POST
Once created we will get response as below.
"kind": "sql#operation",
"targetLink": "",
"status": "DONE",
"user": "*****",
"insertTime": "2023-08-12T07:27:02.455Z",
"endTime": "2023-08-12T07:27:02.457Z",
"operationType": "CREATE",
"name": "40448b90-54b8-43db-8b61-d6340000002f",
"targetId": "cc-test-master",
"selfLink": "",
"targetProject": "pg-dr-test"
ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
? ? ? ? ?--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
? ? ? ? ?--data '{"settings": { "tier": "db-custom-2-7680", "dataDiskSizeGb": "20", "ipConfiguration": { "privateNetwork": "projects/pg-dr-test/global/networks/pg-dr-test-vpc"}, "availabilityType": "REGIONAL"}, "masterInstanceName": "cc-test-master", "region": "asia-south1", "databaseVersion": "POSTGRES_11", "name": "cc-test"}' \
? ? ? ? ?-X POST
Note : Once its created wait for instance status become stopped from modifying.
After above step instance created, we can reset password for default user postgres using console.
ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
? ? ?--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
? ? ?--data '{ "syncMode": "EXTERNAL_SYNC_MODE_UNSPECIFIED"}' \
? ? ?-X POST
Output of above command should be like below
"kind": "sql#externalSyncSettingErrorList"
General error regarding connectivity.
If any error like below then we have to check connectivity.
{ "kind": "sql#externalSyncSettingErrorList",
"errors": [ { "kind": "sql#externalSyncSettingError",
"detail": "generic::unknown: unable to connect to source database server: failed to connect to on-premises database \"postgres\": connectWithTimeoutAndRetry timeout with error: dial tcp connect: connection timed out" }]}
Starting replication
We can start replication if connectivity is good enough.
ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
? ? ?--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
? ? ?--data '{ "syncMode": "ONLINE"}' \
? ? ?-X POST
Output will be like below
"kind": "sql#operation",
"targetLink": "",
"status": "PENDING",
"user": "*******",
"insertTime": "2023-08-12T08:44:38.704Z",
"operationType": "START_EXTERNAL_SYNC",
"name": "21701359-2740-4e95-b0e8-ff800000002f",
"targetId": "cc-test",
"selfLink": "",
"targetProject": "pg-dr-test"
Once replication started we can able to see data is populated in database. Also Instance in GCP Cloud SQL dashboard will be available status like below.
Also we can verify replication slot running on Source database (AWS) with status 't' using below.
cc_test_db=> select * from pg_replication_slots ;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?slot_name? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? plugin? ? ? | slot_type | datoid |? database? | temporary | active | active_pid | xmin | catalog_xmin | restart_lsn | confirmed_flush_lsn?
?pgl_postgres_cloudsql1712cc6_cloudsqle2983f6? ?| pglogical_output | logical? ?|? 14007 | postgres? ?| f? ? ? ? ?| t? ? ? |? ? ? 32161 |? ? ? |? ? ? ? 22044 | 0/42962D0? ?| 0/4296AA0
?pgl_cc_test_db_cloudsqlf960373_cloudsqle2983f6 | pglogical_output | logical? ?|? 16407 | cc_test_db | f? ? ? ? ?| t? ? ? |? ? ? 32162 |? ? ? |? ? ? ? 22044 | 0/42962D0? ?| 0/4296AA0
(2 rows)
SQL | PowerBI | Python | Spark | Azure Data Factory | Azure Synapse Analytics | Azure Databricks | Azure Storage | Azure SQL Database |
1 年Ohk..thank you.
SQL | PowerBI | Python | Spark | Azure Data Factory | Azure Synapse Analytics | Azure Databricks | Azure Storage | Azure SQL Database |
1 年Is the CDC technique used in this ?Does enabling external replication ensure that CDC is active . Could you please tell.