Awesome Report about widespread Threat and techniques of attacker now 2020-2021

Awesome Report about widespread Threat and techniques of attacker now 2020-2021

Virus Total have released the report about threat Ransomware about 2020-2021.

Virus Total is one of the most important stakeholders about massive threat analysis by comparison more than 80 different vendor.

Main notice is that exist 130 families Ransomware now, but there are several modification for each kind of threat that is proportional to the distribution.

So Threat more modified GANDCRAB is the threat more widespread .

This is important knowledge for understand how our IOC( index of compromise) will works, more there are variant on threat binaries, more IOC are in difficult situation to identify the threat.

Meanwhile our info-sec news speak a lots about Revil gang that is not stand on top 10 threat of the year, sometime there are difference between reality perceived and real world, very interesting thing.

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Diagram about Cluster modification for each family threat

(by Virus Total Report 2021)

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This Diagram is very interesting about widespread Threat

(by Virus Total Report 2021)

GandCrab and Babuk are the most widespread and dangerous threat at the moment.

Second Point – Techniques attacker - system Windows OS Weak target

On Italian Cyber Team we have underline more time that first vector of attack is Windows OS.

Once again in our belief is confirmed by the Info-Sec that told 95 % of attack is by PE_Exe file, Power Shell and so on , all Windows OS weakness, so heterogeneous system Windows/Linux is a key factor for System office resilience, OS GNU-Linux have only few attacker very dangerous .

Good Notice

The good news is the privileged escalation on Windows OS and later movement techniques that are both of them very scary, are not so widespread .

Report by Virus-Total Document , free downloadable :


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