Awesome GIFs of Body Language
Body Language Is A Language
You can make someone laugh, cry, understand what you’re thinking, intending, or planning by just using your Body Language. However, it can be tough to do. Some are better at communicating nonverbally than others.
Actors, politicians, and comedians attempt to communicate as clearly as possible. Sometimes while hundreds of thousands or even millions of people are looking at them. And it is imperative their Body Language matches what they are saying, relaying, or intending. Amazingly enough, GIFs can help pass along their messages…
Last year I was in a very important meeting about a deposition I had just been hired to consult on. I had never worked with this law firm before and had been referred to them by another extremely potent firm here in Nashville.
My phone was laying beside my notes and it did the 2-buzz notification thing for a text. The meeting was paused as a print out was passed around. I thought I would just quickly check the text because maybe things had changed for my next meeting and they were letting me know. That’s not what the text was about…
It was from my brother, Mitch. I had talked to him just before I went in to the meeting. I told him how and why the meeting was such a big deal and so important. There were no words in his text. Just this GIF: Click to see GIF movement
My brain wanted me to laugh. But I knew I couldn’t in a situation this serious. And the more I tried not to, the more I wanted to. And it was “Church quiet” in there too. Only the sound of the shuffling packets of paper being passed around was audible.
Suddenly, I began hearing something like a long, low, guttural, moaning kind of sound. Like a big moose on one of those wildlife shows when it wakes up after being tranquilized by a group of science nerds. And it was getting louder. I began getting the “side-eye” from 3 or 4 others at the table. That’s when I had a horrific realization. The noise… was coming from me! I was mortified.
I began to panic. I couldn’t make it stop. That’s when it hit me READ MORE HERE