In Awe Yore (N)ation 2017

In Awe Yore (N)ation 2017

(by Lady Eleanor in support of the Women's March on Washington January 21, 2017) 

Mis-leadership is a call to true leaders to rise. Who will they be? When the Framers of the Constitution invented the electoral college election system over two hundred years ago, did they imagine a candidate like this would carry the power of the pulpit? 

If the rest of the world is going to respect us moving forward, it is going to be less a matter of honoring our official leadership and more a matter of hearing our voices, seeing our actions, and accessing us directly.

I applaud every woman who flew to Washington today. I cheer for every woman BARTing to Oakland's march. I applaud as a woman. I applaud as a mother of women. I applaud as a human being. I applaud action towards what's right. And what's right is to stand up together and take 'gender' off the table. 

Like so many misdirections of the magician that is this new president inspiring faction-ing (i.e. gender) is yet another distraction from the real and immediate dangers. Obama had it right when he called for unity, for inclusion, for non-labeling. Let us all be part of today's protest: women, children, mothers, fathers, men, multi-gendered people, cross-gendered people and un-gendered people. Gender is not the point!

Decency is. Together those of us who live wholesome, productive, contributing lives will rise — and prevail. Our many voices-as-one will drown out the con-man on the podium, the magician who keeps pulling rabbits out of the hat. Take the "P" out of the title and you can easily see that the temporary "resident" of the white house is nothing more than the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy clicked her heals. It's time for us to click ours.

The white of the White House used to mean purity, grandeur, elegance. Indeed with Michelle, Barack and their children in residence the White House stood for all it was architected to be including honor, wholesome family values, working-things-out, standing-up against wrong-doing, providing for the weak, the elderly and the less fortunate, not to mention caring about each other. Strength through communication and compromise radiated from the Obama White House with pride and glory. Even playfulness, the mark of the greatest presidential families in history, was part of the last eight years of USA leadership. It was good clean fun. White as snow, white that included white and black and brown and gold — the country of blended heritages.

And for those who believe in God, God was there too, with the Obamas, in the residence premier. But now the place is godless by every measure. The white now stands for a psycho-ward in a hospital for those whose minds are not right, whose hearts no longer rule the roost, whose connection to reality is interrupted, whose dreams are twisted fantasies of being above others, whose personal traits have risen to dysfunctional heights. The guards at the door are there to keep a patient inside.

We must stand. We must all stand. This will be the age of assertiveness. This will be the age of The People of The United States of America showing up for work. We are now stuck paying for the Nut House to be run securely. He's trapped now, and can't get out for four years. With him locked away, more girls are safe. Don't let the robber-baron get-away with making you feel frightened, terrorized, fearful and fragile. The barren realities we need to focus on are occasions like the absentee inauguration — it was a brilliant beginning, pure visual proof that this president is unpopular and that people don't want to stand beside him.

Over exposure to his name pre-election resulted in a positive poll result. As one Washington march speaker said, "the people who made a bad vote are not bad people." They are people who became swayed by bad press. Advertising works that way, bad press still works to sell product. People buy it. Yes, the presidency can be bought. And it was. By bad press. If we don't want the American public duped and disadvantaged by being led into bankruptcy, we must stop giving press to "he who shall not be named". The guy is seriously not worth our time. Frauds never are. 

We must turn our attention to the healthy and the truly wealthy. Give our true leaders the attention they earn, they deserve; and for which they are willing to take full responsibility. You will not find them in the White House now. Our true leaders are out here in the public among us. Our true leaders are you. Each and everyone if us is capable of leadership. Own it.

We have better things to do with our time than being entertained by newscasts of time-wasters. We can celebrate our sanity. We can celebrate our ability to use our minds for wisdom. We can be led by our hearts, by our faiths, by our connection to reality, by knowing our place within the social fabric that the January 2017 Women's March and Sister Marches has confirmed is real and worldwide.

Shall we make this the best four-years of unity among The People, connected to the people of the world? Can we exercise our democracy in a new way, each day? Will magicians, con-men, cheaters, system-stealers and bully-abusers distract us with magic tricks, misdirection, and misguided misleading? Or are we smarter than that?

I'm just another woman going to work today, to feed my family, to serve my community, to support the economy, to produce tools for building a healthy world. I feel small, yet significant, because each of us is small, yet significant.

I welcome and celebrate your participation and engagement towards sanity, not skipping down a yellow-brick road encountering Tin Men and Heartless Lions only to discover a Wizard-fraud behind a curtain. Instead, let's march-right-up to each other here, under the rainbow, already home again. If my invitation resonates with you, I encourage you to be in touch (with me and with all those you value. I make this invitation regardless of who you are because what matters is not who you are or who I am. What matters is who we are, one nation and one humanity — together.

Today we are safe following the press, the "good" press, because it's following us. Go! Grlz Go!


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