Awe and Wonder
There are no moments lived that compare to those in which we stand in awe and wonderment. These moments are when we taste the essence of reality, and they pierce like a sharpened sword right through our habitual patterns of mind, ushering us back home.
States of wonder cannot be manufactured, as they are spontaneous occurrences that take us by surprise. However, we can till the soil of our minds to be open for these miraculous states of being. Though wonder is not ours to create, we can create the causes and conditions to be in wonderment. The more mindful we are to the truth of reality, the more connected or aware we are of our spirituality. And with this connection to our spirituality, the more we live in a state of awe, for life is a miracle of beauty and we are capable to be its witness.
It is not uncommon for these states of awe to be accompanied by fear. Especially if we are clinging to our ego-based identity with an iron fist. Wonderment by its very nature loosens our narrow, ego-centered view of ourselves and of God, or Ultimate Reality. This can be very unsettling if we don't know how to live in an open and receiving space. One breath at a time, one small step forward of teaching ourselves how to relax our grip on ego-clinging, and we can stand at the foot of Creation and draw into our awareness all the beauty and awe with what wonderment gifts us.
an excerpt from the Mindful Living Page: Wondering
from Your Wondrous Mind
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