That was the feature article in Parade magazine last Sunday. Which was a major 180 from the rest of the news this past weekend. OK, is it Nov 9th already?
Where were we… oh, yeah… AWE! “How the soul-stirring wonder sparked by a shooting star or a majestic peak can transform your health and happiness” ~ Headline on the cover of Parade magazine. Love it! How true.
Take the image on the top of this article. A sweeping view of the Blues in full golden fire light cascading across the ridges from the setting sun – taken at the end of an awesome motorcycle ride in the mountains that day. Super AWE inspiring!
It really does not take much to inspire - you only need to take a moment and truly look around. Look to Nature; as AWE is ALL around you all the time. Turn off that phone, walk away from the tablet, or TV and simply go outside and gaze up at a clear nighttime sky – focus for 15 undisturbed & unplugged minutes - fully take in the vastness of our Milky Way, and the wonder of it all - think about where you are - at that very moment.
Awe makes us nicer—and happier. “Awe causes a kind of Be Here Now that seems to dissolve the self,” ~ Now back to your regularly scheduled program… brought to you by: