Awareness of universe anew

Evidence of design, intelligence, and a purpose are integral elements of a live Universe, Creation. These are but qualities or attributes and need to be manifested by some agency. That is to say, can there be intelligence without some intelligent entity manifesting that intelligence? Or a design without a designer? Can a purpose be served without an agency ‘purposing’ it?

Of course, this is a logic driven by observations from the observable world around us, that is there is a cause-and-effect relationship operating in this phenomenal world; that everything which begins does degenerate and come to an end; that we are time-bound…on which are based classical laws of physics.

But it’s not the end of it all. Beyond what is objectively verifiable, there must be a domain of subjective truth as well that is barely quantifiable by us. That is why and how we now strive toward introspective wisdom seeking the Absolute in myriad ways. This is also why and how we have broken off the limits of classical physics, delving ever deeper into elusive precepts of quantum physics.

We may have been witnessing a silent but nevertheless significant paradigm shift in the way we perceive, understand the phenomenal juggernaut, the universe around us and our coordinates in it. We feel obliged to peer and probe beyond mere binaries and dichotomies of an observable world, treading, however hesitatingly, onto a spectral and illusory, sub/supra real terrain of an assimilative world within. Neil deGrasse Tyson has discussed the likelihood of us living in a simulated reality. In a debate, he argued that the probability is high that we live in a computer simulation. This theory is based on the idea that a highly advanced civilisation could have the technological capability to create a simulated universe, and that it is more likely for us to be living in such a simulation rather than in base reality.

It may also verily be said that alternate realities now morph out of phantasmagorical imageries driven by beautiful assumptions, implicit in intimidating equations of sublime mathematics.

Consider these: Firstly, gerontologists swear to have already undone the cryptic lingo of the centromere and come up with knowhow to not only stall aging but reverse it; secondly, that would mean you would be obliged to reconfigure your notion and experience of space-time. Time then, it is presupposed, might just appear to move backwards and not necessarily in a linear course.

Thirdly, such being the case, the terms, infinite and infinitesimal portend to be ‘reviewed’ in their newer avatars, read perception, meaning, and implication. Fourthly, teleporting yourself may not merely be a conjecture and that too traversing through wondrous holes – worm, white, black, and sundry – into hitherto unforeseen dimensions.

Fifthly, information coded in your genome and memory – conscious or sub/supra conscious – stands poised to be electronically or by other evolved means sent to and stored in a cloud, which is to say that you may go on to potentially live forever unless there befalls a digital death of some weird kind.

And finally, it indeed does follow that religion and various ‘isms’, quest for truth, belief and faith, too might, in all fairness, subject themselves to that ever-poignant shift.


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