Awareness through the body

Awareness through the body

If you really want to make headways, change your life, and fulfill your desires, you need to work on both your mind and body. Because what affects one impacts the other. There is no need to perform complicated physical exercises.






How To Exercise, Spiritually Speaking


The first solution is to practice a discipline with a spiritual dimension such as yoga, relaxation, qigong (a Chinese form of gymnastics), tai chi, and martial arts like judo or karate…


These practices coming from the East form part of traditions, religions, and self-help techniques.


Why? Because these practices do not distinguish between body and mind. They put the emphasis on the interconnection between the two.


In the East, what is good for your body is good for your mind and the reverse is also true. That is why such practices have been developed.


So, whether you study the philosophy lying behind oriental traditions such as Buddhism or Hinduism, or whether you practice yoga or tai chi, you naturally put an exercise unifying body and soul into practice.


Yoga is a good example showing how the mind influences our body. If you feel tense, you find it had to perform the exercises required to relax.


If you relax mentally, you become more supple. Your moves become more fluid and you derive more mental and bodily benefits from these physical practices. Yoga makes it possible to improve the functioning of our organs and inner systems such as the immune system, blood flow, our breathing, our nervous system and our brain.


Practicing a sport: a spiritual path?


Also, if you do not practice spiritually speaking, you can turn any physical exercise you like into the foundation for your personal transformation and lead a better life.


So, whether you play soccer, rugby, or bowling, whether you swim, go cycling, or do home improvements… do it with a positive state of mind and you will derive spiritual benefits.


Not only will exercising help you to maintain your body and inner systems in a proper state, it will also enable you to burn calories, and stimulate the production of endorphins knowns well-being hormones.


No matter what physical activity you choose, always perform it with positive ideasin mind and while you entertain benevolent thoughts for humankind and yourself.


From the body to the soul


Everything can be or become spiritual in life, even physical activities. It all depends on how you practice and on the thoughts you have when you perform your activity!


While you exercise, you secrete endorphins, which bring a sensation of well-being. As a result, you boost the abilities of your brain and you make it possible for you to reach higher levels of awareness leading to a new reality, one where you make decisions more quickly.


If you practice with a positive state of mind, you will develop your body and mind.

