Personal development and spirituality is a practice not a philosophy. It’s not about what you know; it’s about what you do with what you know. The most fundamental ingredient of spiritual practice is awareness. Without it, nothing can be achieved.


If you read nothing more, that sentence encapsulates the essence of personal development work.

Unconscious behaviour takes us back into our animalistic and reptilian nature. Life becomes about fight, flight, freeze, and another commonly used “f” word. The chaos we’ve created in the world is due to our unconscious behaviour. In order to change this we have to cultivate awareness, specifically self-awareness. And that comes from being able to be present in the moment. The Now.

This article was going to be an explanation of awareness, but as I started to write it, I realised that in itself would be an intellectual offering, and I want this to be something practical and useful for you. Instead, all I’m going to do here is share ways in which you can cultivate awareness in your life. I’ll share some of my simple practices.

The truth is, cultivating awareness is life changing, and, as simplistic as this article might seem to be, this is the central tenet, practice and method to my spiritual practice.

Cultivating awareness is simple but not easy. We have to develop the habits that keep us present in the now. By using extremely simple techniques we develop the neural network in our brain (through neuroplasticity) to support the act of being self-aware at all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, in every way.

One more thing before I share 9 ways to cultivate awareness in your daily life.

I've had the privilege of being in the presence of an enlightened being in my life. This is rare, and I acknowledge the profound opportunity that was gifted to me. In 2014 I took an 8 month sabbatical. I stayed at Plum Village monastery in the south of France where I had the opportunity of being in the presence of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

In that experience I realised the true power of awareness. His awareness was so focused and powerful that it was tangible. It was an energy as real as the heat off a radiator, but ten thousand times more powerful. Cultivated through practice.

I realised in my time at the monastery that the single most important ingredient for spiritual development is the ability to be present in the moment. The Now. Thich Nhat Hanh’s presence transformed me and I am forever grateful.

He confirmed for me what I had suspected: Spirituality is not a dogma. Not a philosophy. Not a theology. Not a theory. It's a practice.

Awareness is the fundamental starting point. It is the key that unlocks the door to a whole new world..

The road to enlightenment is not a road, it is awareness, and to the extent that one can maintain, extend, and deepen your awareness, you are an enlightened being

Here are 9 practical exercises to cultivate awareness:

1 Morning Mindfulness: Begin your day with a few minutes of intentional awareness. Take deep breaths, observe your thoughts, and set some small intentions for the day ahead. Prime yourself to become aware of your emotions throughout the day. Be aware when you feel: fear, anxiety, guilt, jealousy, joy, love, peace.

2 Anchoring Objects: Choose an object, any object will do. It could be your watch, a bracelet, a necklace, or even something in your home, like a photo, the microwave oven, the refrigerator. It can even be the light switch or the TV remote control. Whenever you see, touch or interact with that object, bring yourself back to the present moment, for?a few seconds, and then go on with whatever you were doing. The cumulative effect of this can be staggering.

3 Mindful Eating: Slow down and savour each bite during meals. It doesn’t have to be every meal, but do it at least once or twice a day. Do it at the beginning of the meal or snack. It could be eating an apple, a pear, drinking some juice. It can even be done with alcohol. Just bring your awareness to what you are consuming and notice how that makes you feel. Notice the flavours, textures, and sensations. Engaging your senses enhances present moment awareness.

4 Breath Awareness: Throughout the day, take brief pauses to focus on your breath. Observe its rhythm and feel the sensations of each inhale and exhale. This simple practice brings you back to the present. This is especially useful when you are feeling anxious. When you catch yourself feeling this way: STOP. BREATHE. BECOME AWARE. Then carry on with whatever you were doing.

5 Body Scan: Set aside a few minutes to scan your body from head to toe. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort. By becoming aware of your body, you foster a deeper connection to the present moment. First thing in the morning or last thing at night, when you’re in bed. It takes 5 minutes. It has a powerful impact on your sense of calmness and it cultivates awareness.

6 Gratitude Practice: Take a moment each day to reflect on some things you are grateful for. Cultivating gratitude shifts your focus to the present and helps you appreciate the blessings in your life. I do this every night before going to bed. Preferably I stand outside under the stars. I allow myself to be aware of the amazing mystery of the night sky with its 400 billion stars and trillions of galaxies. This is truly awesome and awe inspiring for me. It charges me, relaxes me, and makes me extremely grateful for the life I have been gifted with.

7 Digital Detox: Dedicate regular time to disconnect from digital distractions. Set aside some time each day where you consciously unplug from technology and engage with the present moment. Try not to look at your phone first thing in the morning, instead engage in some mindful practice to develop present moment awareness

8 Nature Immersion: This is one of the most powerful ones for me. Spend time in nature and allow yourself to fully immerse in its beauty. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or a moment by the ocean, nature provides a grounding space for heightened awareness. Even in a concrete city (I live in Johannesburg) trees are an amazingly powerful source of energy and inspiration to me. If you don’t have trees nearby, just look skywards. Notice the blue sky, the clouds. Nature is right there with us all the time, we just need to pay attention.

9 Journaling: Start a journal and make it a habit to write down a few things you're feeling each day. This practice makes you aware of the negative thoughts you might be harbouring and it can also shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life. It cultivates a deeper appreciation of the profound mystery of being alive in this moment.

That's it ! Try it and let me know how it works for you …

? Steve Tsakiris

#awareness #mindfulness #mentalhealth #spirituality #stevetsakiris


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