Awareness for Self Enumeration process during Census 2023
Sanawar Balam - Human Rights Lawyer
Human Rights & Minority Affair Department Government of Punjab, Pakistan
Corner Meeting Regarding Awareness for the Self-Enumeration Process During the Census of 2023!
Corner Meeting Regarding Awareness for Self-Enumeration Process During Census 2023 in Chak 49 NB District Sargodha The meeting started with an introduction in which Mr. Sanawar Balam advocate introduced himself, the team, and the Center for Social Justice and explained the aims and objectives of the meeting. He said that the purpose of this meeting today is to inform and motivate you to fully participate in the recent population census and to get the minority communities correctly and completely registered. As a result, the actual number of minority communities is revealed in the current census results.
Speaking to the participants regarding the importance and necessity of the census, he said that the census is the name of a national initiative in which the numbers of people living in the country are counted. So that resources can be generated and managed according to the number of people in the country. Along with this, by classifying the different groups and classes residing in the country, their frequency strengths can be assessed. Therefore, human rights can be respected, protected, and promoted. In this regard, it is very important to register accurate and complete information in the population census so that your family and community can get substantial benefits from the welfare and development schemes and projects of the state.
Ms. Saira Sanawar, while talking to the participants about the background of the national census, said that the previous several censuses that were conducted in Pakistan and their results were not recognized by the religious minorities of Pakistan and some specific political parties. The justification for this is that religious minorities believe that the results of previous censuses have deliberately understated the number of minorities, and the statement of some political parties is that there are deliberate irregularities in the census and distribution of constituencies. However, recent censuses are being conducted in a digital format, where enumeration teams are going door to door to register the people. Apart from this, you can also register your family in the population census through the special portal and applications available on the internet and mobile phones prepared by the state.
Hence, as in the past, in the recent population census, if the number of religious minorities is less than real, this time the Pakistani religious minorities will have no justification to reject the population census. Therefore, we as a religious minority should not face any injustice in respecting, protecting, and promoting our social, political, economic, civil, religious, and cultural rights. So this is our message to all the minority communities: increase their involvement by participating more and more in the census process so that the true number of our community can be known.
Miss Saira Sanawar, while giving the necessary instructions to the participants to complete the census registration, said:
1. Provide accurate and complete information to the enrollment teams working in your area so that the enrollment volume can be met.
2. Youth and community leaders provide support and facilitation to enrollment teams.
3. To keep an eye out for those families that are sometimes neglected during the census due to various reasons.
4. Specifically identify yourself to enrollment teams so that you and your family belong to a religious minority.
5. If a family cannot be registered for any reason, then do it through mobile applications and a web portal using the internet.
6. If the enumeration team has not reached your area, contact the National Census Helpline or Complaint Cell to confirm the census of your area.
7. Please share the given information with your friends, colleagues, relatives, and other people in contact with you in your surroundings.
Community Leaders Mr. Sharon Nazir and Pastor Justin Mazhar, while speaking, said that we are very grateful to Mr. Sanawar Balam, an advocate, and the Center for Social Justice, who have taken the responsibility to sensitize the minority communities about the importance of the census by providing information. We encourage their efforts on our behalf, and we urge all of you to follow their instructions and fulfill your national duty head-on.