Awareness & Consciousness                
And Life In The Flow

Awareness & Consciousness And Life In The Flow

What is the purpose of achieving greater awareness and expanding our consciousness?

To understand ourselves? Perhaps.

To understand others? A worthy goal.

Or maybe it is to know we are life without separation?

And in knowing this to live honestly through love,

unclouded by fear.

For most of our lives, we are living unconsciously out of habits from a lifetime of choices in the decision tree of our history. We live on automatic pilot thinking the same thoughts and doing the same things. For brief moments we wake up.?

How do we know we're awake? When we feel love.

Oh but what of fear and pain, anger and resentment? Are these not real? Is this part of the illusion, Maya as the Sanskrit word describes?

Nothing that is unreal exists.

This is one of the great laws.

All states of emotion all thoughts like quantum particles pop into and out of existence constantly and change with our focus intent and attention on them. Our stories and interpretations direct their flow in and around us.

We are not here to avoid painful thoughts and feelings or life's challenges, they are here to help us awaken into conscious fully loving beings constantly moving forward, learning, moving in the Universal current of expanding love and energy, flowing, growing, and making new connections.

When we embrace but do not hold onto our troubling and other thoughts and feelings, we begin to flow. All that is healthy moves circulates, and flows. When we are inspired and manifest our most creative efforts it is often said that "we are in the flow".

When embracing the difficult thoughts and feelings we take notice that they are indications of vibrational discord and disharmony with our connection to our Source Energy, our "Higher Self", "Christ Consciousness", whatever name you give it, I like "Awakened Aligned Path of Heart. These thoughts & feelings we dwell in and on, are signals to us that there is a lesson, a correction we can make, energy for us to elevate, a stagnant stuck part of us to release.

So what do I mean by embracing difficult thoughts and feelings? When difficult people and experiences arise in our life instead of asking as I and many of us do questions like "why me?" or "Why did they do or say this to me?" which makes us small and accepts the illusion of our separation, we can ask "what can I do to connect more?", connect to our inner loving voice through meditation, music or movement out in nature for example. Or we can ask "what can I learn and share from this", expanding our consciousness connecting to the Great Oneness of all life and choosing to focus on how we can turn our pain into purpose, our misery into our mission, and help others.

By coming from this compassionate place of connection and oneness, expanding our circles of compassion and awareness, whenever we feel small and disconnected or alone, victimized and aggrieved, we can choose to elevate our vibrational energy to help us move through the inertia of where we were stuck in life to break free into the state and momentum of flow.

We reach for the next highest vibrational feeling or thought connecting to life, people, nature and to the present moment in every breath that we breathe. And we can take a beat, by taking a breath and placing our entire focus into it.

We notice the signal, fear, anger, resentment, and notice that we are noticing it, and so on. And when we realize this is a chance to create progress and energize our path of heart with power, we become grateful for the opportunity to free ourselves where we are stuck and bless the energy with our gratitude. We might declare, Thank you, Universe for helping me know where I need to grow and receive the guidance of where I need to go.

It's been said there is a gift inside of every problem.

And then we remind ourselves that we've survived everything we worried about in the past and every difficult thought, emotion, and experience all of which brought us to this very moment! And we honor our pain and progress by having faith that we will survive our present lessons and challenges as well.

We breathe into our connection to the big circle, the Sacred Hoop of life, and take another small step forward. Notice the signals, bless them with gratitude for our direction and awareness, and take another loving step. It is a ceremonial dance of life, of being human.

And we try to remember that we are not our thoughts, we are the thinker. We are not what we see, we are the observer. We are not our stories, we are the storyteller. I like to remind myself of it this way, I say, thoughts are like clouds and I am the sky. Feelings are like fish and I am the ocean. In this understanding, we again enter the state of flow as we continuously, mindfully, reenter the present here and now moment.

And while we return to love and are rooted in compassion we are effortlessly moving in the stream of our life to walk our path of heart and the entire Universe flows with us as a great current of collective consciousness, the all and the everything, and we are without separation. And so we might ask, "Infinite Loving Universe", or "God" or "Quantum Field of Infinite Possibility", guide me back to a feeling of connection and to my Path Of Heart so I might flow with the energies of harmony and love in this moment!"

This is often when we experience serendipity, good fortune, and synchronicity amazing coincidences that are meaningful to us, and miracles, that have always been here. This is a sign we are in the current, we are in the flow and being carried forward by the Universal current of oneness. Perhaps the ones and zeros of the Quantum field of infinite potentiality align with our focus and intentional energy and we see what has always been here.

When this happens we meet the right people at the right time and we are the right person at the right time in others' lives. We might inspire or comfort or otherwise help them to gently return to their Path of Heart. In this way, we continue to make new loving connections.

And it is my understanding we come from this oneness from love and we are here to love and receive love in infinite ways as each of us is infinitely diverse & beautiful.

This is not shared as the truth, only as my understanding at this moment in time. Offered humbly that we can help and inspire each other to keep moving towards love and oneness.

Thank you,

Joseph Segal

Joseph Segal

Helping you create passive income to leave the 9-5 grind - Loving My Side Hustle, Author

2 年

If you get one thing that helps you from what I wrote above, one thought, maybe a thought that leads to you another thought or question that helps you, then I'm very happy I shared this here. Not everything I wrote will resonate with everyone, I realize that. I'm just sharing my own lessons and understanding. I realize life is very difficult and often very painful and I don't mean to imply we can simply breathe our way out of every crisis or difficulty. Only suggesting what has helped me to shift the way I look at my life's difficulties. Thank you!


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