Be aware of That Three-letter Word of destruction......
That Three letter word!

Be aware of That Three-letter Word of destruction......

There seems to be a lethal disease quietly breading its way into the lives of inner-city people. It’s a more subtle disease than that of alcoholism, more hushed than embarrassing conditions, less violent than the most violent act that can be thought of, but no less destructive. It seldom attracts media attention, but it is more pervasive than anything that must be placed in the most secure of places. This quiet killer is “The LIE”!

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Through my observations of those in the inner-city, “The LIE” is almost a currency of sorts. As money (not to be confused with currency), it is used by the powerless (those who have nothing) to get what they want or need from the powerful. Not to be confused by the word “powerless” that word can come up in any occasion or life situation, it is used to control the law, literally, the law of life, Some on benefits sell or use their benefit to people on the street even to the point (in the USA) where parents sell there children’s Social Security Numbers to people also living their own lie, husbands and wives do it, “Big I am” attitudes and defensive personalities. Separated parents do it to their children, after bitter break-ups attempting to win the love of a child. I see that ”A LIE” can start as a silly game that seems harmless at that instance. In my view; the thing about “The Lie”, is that it generally has a nasty sense of breading into a shear hurricane, starting as a small breeze and if not intervened, literally becomes a vortex completely destroying everything it touches. 

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“The LIE” is so widely used, that people can’t distinguish the difference, while these manipulators learn they can and how to use and manipulate using this 3 letter word. Children grow up learning how to manipulate situations to get what they want, by the time they become adolescents, the young men have learnt how to deceive young women out of their virginity. Young women have learnt how to use their babies to manipulate young men. Both have learnt to deny the “Truth” of their own emotion. Once learnt to live without trust or Commitment, they are ready to face adulthood in a world culture where only those strong enough to endure chronic paranoia and isolation survive. In the end, the best result is if it were stopped on inset or never started at all. I think that it is most probably one of the most contagious things that exist on this earth! It happens without conscious knowledge, in defence and protection but still not healthy. There is only one cure. ‘THE TRUTH’.

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There was a gentleman (that I had the pleasure of knowing) Richard was a member of a Bible Study group, for young adults that met in a nearby public housing project community centre. For almost a year these studies continued with the sharing of any topic of conversation. Occasionally Richard found their sharing and prayer dipped below the surface into personal areas. Richard was very skilled at redirecting the conversation. He would point to that of the scriptures and Holy Politeness to answer difficult questions This was a group of people that you would never see in a church, (a special group) A group of curious and people, Fresh to Faith, growing the feeling of warmth and protection that “Their Higher Power” freely gives.

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.One week the dishonesty reached a level that disturbed the normally placid surface of Richard's group. He couldn’t stand it any longer “It’s time to get real!” He spouted out in a raised tone. That’s all it took, in the following weeks that is exactly what happened. The surface boiled over with deep emotions like Anger; Distrust; jealousy and fear mixed with tears, hollering, confessing, hugging, Admissions of illicit drug use and cheating on whatever they had gotten away with all came to light. 

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Malicious gossip and slander were confronted. Anger was directed at Richard for being “rich” and not helping more. Richard was afraid that the group may just collapse under this intense pressure, but it did not! Instead, its clarity became more intense. Those holding onto the fringes grew a better grip and became a brighter part of the circle that this group was. They all sat on the cold, hard concrete floor, for hours surrounded by broken down overused and out-of-date furniture, with not one ear wanting to miss a moment, It was truly amazing. It was as if they had opened a gushing well of healing, life-giving waters in the middle of parched, disease-ridden land.

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Such simple “Truths” confessing faults to one another, speaking the truth protected by Love, each one sharing the burden of the others, in combination a very powerful medicine for those of us who suffer from the desperate disease of deceit, also strong for those of us whose deceit is neatly disguised behind spiritual facades.

So in conclusion, Be aware and on the lookout, for that 3 letter word that works its way Into so many situations in life.

Thank you...................


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