#AWAPAC 20 quotes that could form the secret verse of Baz Luhrmanns 'Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen'
If you missed the all-female power panel 'Who Run The World' on the final day of Ad Week APAC, have no fear, OMD's Kramer has put together a snippet bought to you by; Kate de Brito Editor in Chief news.com.au, Sarah O’Carroll Editor-in-Chief, Yahoo Finance ANZ Verizon Media, Sophie Hicks Lloyd Director of Digital Sales Network 10, Sunita Rajan Senior Vice President Advertising Sales CNN, of the best quotes from the session!
***Read quotes with Baz Luhrmann narration***
- Trust your gut but also know when to bring it back and know what’s right based on your surroundings.
- Know who you are and what you believe in - Make sure you make decisions based on your ideologies.
- Play to win, but know when to choose your game.
- Be honestly authentic.
- Take the risk. Put yourself out there - You’ll always find your feet.
- Don’t ask for permission, just seek forgiveness later.
- Don’t be afraid of asking for help or saying you don’t know, your smarter for admitting what you don’t know.
- What do you think?! Means no one knows what they’re talking about.
- Don’t doubt yourself – Confidence is King!
- Front up knowing why you're there - Knowledge is key.
- Back away from office politics, it’s not healthy and there’s never any benefit.
- Focus and play to your strengths - don't spend time on things you’re not good at.
- Do things that challenge you.
- Resilience is key, have a bit of a cry then pick yourself back up and get on with it.
- If someone undermines you, get out, if you don’t have support from your boss then leave them. You need to have people in your corner.
- Find someone you can learn from with a different perspective.
- Be bold.
- Back yourself and keep saying yes.
- Don’t overthink it.
- Everything will be grand.