AWAOA 5th Annual Conference
The Aspiring Writers Association of America’s 5th Annual Conference April, 7th 2018
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We would like to take this time to introduce to you one of our dynamic speakers for this year’s AWAOA “Let’s Get Lit” 5th Annual Conference, our National President Tenita Chantilly Johnson.
Authors worldwide write better thanks to editorial guru and authorpreneur, Tenita C. Johnson. Perfecting manuscripts for hundreds of best-selling authors, she’s on a mission to end the prominent everyday abuse of the English language and rectify punctuation pet peeves.
As the founder and CEO of So It Is Written, LLC, Tenita collaborates with industry professionals to take manuscripts to the marketplace, positioning authors for success in the literary world. Well known by many as a human spell check, noun nerd and grammar police, she proudly wears the badge of honor to correct and serve.