Awakening To Earth's Rebirth
On New Year’s Eve 2019, we stood watching as New Yorkers gathered to celebrate as they always do. There were cheers and celebrations, new year’s resolutions as there always are, and expectations of a better year in 2020.?
However, the sudden awareness of 2020 would NOT bring the joy and celebration as hoped for, but a downward spiral in the health and hope of millions of people around the world. An enemy would invade our presence. An unknown, unseen, unexpected and unwelcome guest; Covid-19, a Global Pandemic.
As I launched this Newsletter, I clearly know there are people who will cringe at the very words of Covid-19, Pandemic or any variation of those words.? Even though the disease itself is apparently? under control, the residual damages of its presence is still with us.?
Any trauma leaves nasty footprints in our souls. And, unless we pause to deal with the residual, we give birth to something much worse. That is the self destruction that comes from the fear, hopelessness, worry and fear that the enemy leaves behind. ? The post pandemic mental health crisis is yet to be realized.?
Trauma of any kind radically attaches to our emotional and mental body and leaves us with a much different and less broader perspective of who we are. This conversation is just a tip of the ice for what will come later in future Newsletters.?
When you hear words or phrases like. ‘ 6 feet apart’ , ‘masks’, ‘vaccination’, ‘booster’, ‘Mederma’,’ Johnson,’ ‘Sanitizer’, ‘lysol’, ‘bleach’,’ bacteria’,what do you feel? Feel the feeling you are feeling when hearing or reading those words.???Whatever you are feeling is real. IT is your soul saying "Hey, I am still a bit concerned (scared).
These words and phrases have a different meaning to us now than they did back in 2019! . The Pandemic completely shifted our perception and identification with words, water and toilet paper.
As we step over into this? brand New Year, our expectations are raised as we shed our masks for more makeup, our standing 6 feet apart to warm and affectionate? hugs. Above all things no longer fearing lack of toilet paper!?
The question remains ‘What happens now?’ ‘ What’s next? ‘
You are about to discover how Understanding Trauma Can Help You Heal?
Odyssey is defined as a long, eventful or adventurous journey or experience.
To help me explain this, let’s look at some synonyms for the word Odyssey:
An odyssey of unknown twists and turns never experienced before. An Odyssey where you are led to the corner with no idea what is around that corner. You? know from deep within you must turn the corner before you die in your seat.? The truth is, you are adventurous and tenacious and? regardless of the fact it is “unknown'' you choose to see what lies ahead.?
The world has changed. It no longer has the resemblance of what it was before. The streets may look the same, the stores may seem the same, but the truth is , everything and everyone has entered an Odyssey.
We have lost so many familiar names and still others have emerged from places we never knew existed. New ideas have emerged, new millionaires and billionaires have blazed the paths for social entrepreneurship yet, that does not heal us from the "side effects" of the Pandemic. We have more people with more money with more issues than ever!?
Hope was set aside far too many times for us to dare hope now that Covid-19 can no longer dominate our minds and headlines (especially as reports of a new strand surface today). Yes, the number of positive cases have decreased and deaths have definitely declined. Yet, the emotional , mental and financial devastation is yet to be realized.?
We somehow have lost all that we knew as normal, and have found ourselves in the oddest of places, a new life, a new earth.
Whether we admit it or not, we are not the same. None of us is the same person who entered the pandemic as we are exiting it. We learned a few things, and lost even more. Some of the information we held as our own identity has become just as extinct as the dinosaur. What we had in consciousness is no longer present in our souls.
We struggle to find our footing in this new space. We stumble around in the darkness of what we don't know about this new world.? We hope that somehow, someway, we will find our balance and move forward as though 'IT' never happened.?
Let me be the one to tell you; it did happen. IT happened in every state, province, country and jungle. IT happened in New York, San Francisco, Aibileen and Tucson. IT happened in Paris and Stuttgart, Germany.? IT happened to all of us, and we pray that we never experience IT happening again!
New strands of Covid are currently lurking in the shadows.?
Those of us who were pre-pandemic 'social media lites', were even more invested during the onset and height of the pandemic. We turned on our computers as if they were the oxygen to keep us breathing until 'IT" was over. We hid ourselves in our Zoom Rooms hoping that when it was over, that there would be good news on the other side. Sadly, the news grew worse.
Each night it seemed that numbers were climbing reporting deaths and diagnosis. We wondered who would be next, and if we perhaps would be the next victim of an enemy that was subtle, deceptive and cunning. We all felt it but no one could see it coming. We only wished that our leaders would bring some good news, but even Dr. Fauci seemed incredibly confused at times (alright, maybe his language was confusing).? CDC waved the flag and stood by what they didn't know.
The world turned to the WHO and CDC and several other letters in the alphabet to find an answer. Something hopeful. Anything. Anyone.
Perhaps this Odyssey is not by accident, but providence.?
Stay Tuned….
DrFaye Editor & Chief
The Christian Advantage?