AWAKENED SALESPERSON Foundational Characteristic - 1 Forbearance (?????)
Any salesperson who considers the profession as an eternal process of inquiry and gaining Jnana (knowledge and wisdom) becomes AWAKENED. I will explore the foundational characteristics of Awakened Salesperson in the next few articles including this one. You can see the earlier article on the theme at this URL
In this article and the next, I will explore the first foundational characteristic of awakened salesperson - Forbearance.
Forbearance (?????)
Kshama (?????) has two syllables. Ksa (???) implies ‘to destroy’ and ma (??) means ‘to protect’. Kshama thus means protecting from getting destroyed (from vices). There is no exact word in English for Kshama, but the closest word is forbearance. What does it mean?
Lord Buddha had impeccable forbearance. In one instance, upon learning that his brother joined as disciple Akkosaka abused Lord Buddha alot. Lord Buddha remained calm and asked, “In case you offer food to guests but they leave without taking it, to whom does the food belong?”. Akkosaka replied that it belongs to him. Then Buddha replied, “Similarly, you offered abuses and I leave without accepting; they are all yours".
Thus, forbearance involves enduring obstacles steadfastly with constructive criticism, patience and lack of anger or hate. This demands one to be mindful, kind, gentle and believe in the ultimate truth (i.e. Jnana).
In general, forbearance provides two advantages.
1.Brings the best out of you: The stone slabs of a temple complained to the deity. Even though we both are made of stones, people stamp over me while they worship you. This is unfair; lamented the slabs.
The Lord replied, ‘You only see me getting worshiped, but do you know that I had to forbear millions of chisel strokes by the sculptor. You may have endured only few". The deity further said, "More you forbear, more chances that you would be worshiped"
2. Keeps away from harm: Once a hunter laid a trap for a deer after observing that it ate fruits from one specific tree. He hid in the branches above holding a rope noose to catch, he dropped fruits down.
The clever deer suspected why such delicious fruit was not eaten by any bird or animal yet. It could forebear temptation and did not move towards the fallen fruit.
Hunter could not forebear and began throwing fruits in the direction of the deer to lure. Surprised by fruits flying towards its directions, it noticed hunter and discreetly talked - “Oh dear tree, fruits fell usually straight down to the ground and now you are dropping it towards me. As you changed your habit, I will change mine too. I will go to another tree”. Forbearance saved the life of deer while lack of it ruined the chances for the hunter.
Forbearance in Sales
A study found that activation of serotonin in the brain leads to forbearance among mice[1]. Scholars believe it to have similar effect among humans. Serotonin, also called as happy chemical is released by a small set of cells in brain called raphe nuclei. It is believed to contribute to wellbeing and happiness in individuals.
In another study[2], whenever food rewards were given in intervals conditioning the mice with high probability of food availability, mice were observed to release serotonin and thus could forbear longer. Thus, when rewards are clear; forbearance grows. Also, Serotonin is released significantly when individuals exhibit awakened self, are in a state of mindfulness and positive[3].
As an awakened salesperson remains balanced and mindful, he forbears obstacles. Serotonin released as a result, helps them to remain calm and joyful. They become sagely.
Spiritual Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar says ‘????? ??????? ?????’ ‘Tapovai dwandva sahanam’, which means a Tapasvi (who performs penance) can hold two opposites with forbearance.
Awakened salesperson, like a Tapasvi can forbear a complaint and compliment with composure; failures and fortunes with equal tolerance; pursues personal and professional goals with same patience, passion and persistence.
The Framework
Awakened Salesperson, as part of the profession realizes to forbear two critical and at times conflicting and at times complementing orientations - relationship and goal.
Without a customer, there is no salesperson. This implies that to pursue the goals allocated there has to be a sort of relationship with customer, even if it is transactional. Hence, in every situation there has to be a convergence of these orientations within a salesperson and forbearance is evoked out of such situations.
On the horizontal axis is the relationship orientation and on the vertical axis is the goal orientation. Each of the orientations are split into high and low categories for simplicity. Collapsing these two axes results into four quadrants giving us four different types of forbearance.
Spiritual forbearance requires high goal and relationship orientations exhibited by the salesperson. Such awakened salesperson will collaborate with customers and achieve their goals. Compassionate forbearance is inspired to hold onto relationships with customers and at times at the cost of achieving goals. Customary forbearance is business like forbearance where relationships are considered transactional and only to achieve the goals. When the salesperson lacks either goal or relationship orientation the forbearance exhibited is not worthy of the situation. It becomes superfluous.
In Ramayana, Sage Valmiki in Balakanda said;
????? ???? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?? ????????:? ????? ??: ????? ????: ?????? ???????? ?????? (1, 33-8)
"Forbearance is charity, forbearance is sacrifice, forbearance is truth, forbearance is glory and forbearance is virtue. O daughters, the universe is supported by forbearance".
[1] Fonseca, M. S., Murakami, M., & Mainen, Z. F. (2015). Activation of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons promotes waiting but is not reinforcing. Current Biology, 25(3), 306-315.
[2] Miyazaki, K., Miyazaki, K. W., Yamanaka, A., Tokuda, T., Tanaka, K. F., & Doya, K. (2018). Reward probability and timing uncertainty alter the effect of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons on patience. Nature communications, 9(1), 1-11.
[3] Newberg, A. B., & Iversen, J. (2003). The neural basis of the complex mental task of meditation: neurotransmitter and neurochemical considerations. Medical hypotheses, 61(2), 282-291.
CEO - India, PRO-HUB Hebetechnik GmbH
4 年Insightful article Prof. Sridhar Guda. Thank you for sharing.
Sales Specialist | Expertise in B2B & Channel Expansion | East & CG
4 年Very interesting... well explained.
Sr. Vice President- IoT & AI-Smart Products at Havells
4 年Great insight and truly inspiring Sir!
Strategy & Leadership Consulting (Agri-Food-Health) South Asia/MEA
4 年Great article! Forbearance and Compassion will help professionals always remain unshakable.
Strategic Brand & Communication Expert | Driving Engagement & Growth @ JSW Steel I Expertise in Marketing & Channel Sales from industries as Steel, Cement, FMCG, Telecom & Beverage I Ex-Dalmia | ACC | PepsiCo | Eveready
4 年Wonderful insights, waiting for the next