Awaken to Potential.
Silence the well-intentioned voice of your disciplinarians! Dreaming is not a childish waste of time; it is a duty for which we should all become more responsible. Only in your dreams are you able to stretch beyond the perceived limitations of your story. Only if you dream can you be all that you need to be to live a life full of possibility and adventure. Dreams are at the root of growth; they are the water that nourishes the seed.
Awaken to the potential that is within. What would you be if you lived without limitations? What would your life look like if you had all that you desired? Take some time today to go within and examine the desires of your heart. Entertain the probabilities rather than disregarding the magnificence that lies within you. There is a reason why you have these dreams!
If Edison, Einstein, Ford, or the Wright Brothers had not dreamed, where would we be today? All of the materials to create their inventions existed in Ancient Rome, yet it was hundreds of years before they were brought to fruition. Every time that one follows their dream and makes the impossible probable, the consciousness of the entire planet is shifted. Would you rather be the sheep or the Shepard?
Success or sabotage??You have everything that you need to succeed at this moment.
Is this going to be an incredible day??Bring your dreams into reality and watch the magic unfold!