Awaken to Potential.
Your life is a message unto yourself.?There is a reason for your existence and your life is constantly urging you to awaken to your full potential.?We all have a calling (perhaps several), but it is not until we are completely conscious that we are able to see it.?There are moments when you begin to feel like the entire world is in a conspiracy to lead you in a specific direction.?Perhaps, the world is a beacon shining the light on the way.?There are no accidents. There is no such thing as coincidence. The question is, do you resist the guidance of the universe when it is outside of your comfort zone?
What are the patterns in your life? If you were a detective assigned to explore the evidence that is you, what clues are worthy of investigation? What are the possible meanings and messages hidden in your daily life??Don't make your objective a conclusion; simply open the door to possibility.?When you conclude, you might be closing the door to greater possibility and resisting the natural flow.?Often, it is not the "thing" we believe to be the answer, but it is something along the path in that direction.?Therefore, we must trust our inner guidance and enter the darkness, knowing that the light will appear.?
Success or sabotage??Do you allow your perceptions, knowledge, and expectations to inhibit your success? Are you willing to stay open to the possibility that you are "wrong" in your assumptions?
Is this going to be an incredible day??Are you open to the possibility?