Awaken intuition.
Most dreams are about a better, more luscious life.
But dreams are selfish and inconceivable indications of unfulfilled desires and wants.
Normally we follow the best opportunity to reach that allusive dream, only to realize later, how dependent we are on the mitigating circumstances.
Most of the time we are so busy reacting to impressions, that we hardly question anything related to our inner self. Every impression and reaction are driven by an internal check and balance metric. Ego-centricity is a built-in guide that determines how we feel and think. "How do I look? How do people perceive me? How does what she’s just said affect me? Why did he react to what I’ve just said the way he did? Did anyone take notice of what I have just done? Would the way I presented myself impress anyone?” ?You feel misunderstood, you feel betrayed, and worst of all, you feel ignored. We seldom recognize the slivers of free thinking that emerge briefly, and that makes us question our standing. After a series of ups and downs and the excuses that come with it, curiosity may emerge and question why things turned out the way they did. What we hold as the high standard is classified by generally agreed-upon metrics. Very few verifications pass without the scrutiny of comparison. While our performance is usually measured by our ability to deliver on expectations, we should not concede to these presumptuous assessments. As individuals, we should be aware of the liberty we have to choose a passage of further exploration, beyond the existing parameters. ?
Reasons are by and large bias excuses.
Reasoning is a post-event justification for decisions made. Some reasons are based on traceable logic, but most of them are made up as a justification for having made a wrong decision. The most difficult decisions to decipher are the irrational impromptu decisions. “I did not anticipate that my action would have such repercussions. Now I have to find a reasonable explanation for it.” A reasonable justification indicates that someone contested a decision and the issues that emerged from it needed to be debated to set them straight.
While reasons seem to be part of a democratic discourse, they may emerge in any social context. It allows an exchange that indicates readiness to accept other points of view.
What part of the future are we taking into consideration?
“Wanting more” is the selfish driving force within us, that supersedes everything, including considerations for potentially negative repercussions. Intuitively we choose the best available opportunity to reach that allusive dream, and later on, we realize how dependent we are on the mitigating circumstances. As the future morphs, we react intuitively, avoiding critical rethinking. This "La-di-da" attitude toward the future is what causes time-space compression and subsequently economic hardships. I am suggesting that awakening your intuition is one way of identifying your calling. And no matter who and what you are working for, by following your innate intuition, you’ll always work for yourself. Nothing can replace a passion for what you do. ?Neither a good education, nor a well-paid job, nor an alliance with a reputable organization.
Awakening your intuition is an attempt to steer up the energy needed to find your innate calling. Our performance value is measured by what is needed and compared with the available options. As keen observers, we should be aware of the development of expertise and the emerging opportunities. To assess incoming opportunities, we need to be sure not only about our capabilities but also about our determination to explore viable alternatives. The Omega passage represents the pursuance of a deeply felt instinct that may or may not result in surpassing existing boundaries. If it does, this may cause a reset of the parameters that define the Alpha, parameters.?
So, what would it take to become passionate about what you do?
Starting with observations of imperfections in your area of expertise, which would enable you to develop timely alternatives. The most assiduous investment will be a willingness and determination to eliminate some of the conventions that prevent you from trying the untried. As a passionate doer, you will embrace changes of all kinds before dismissing them, even if they are not directly related to your professional tasks. You’ll get acquainted with the boomerang effect, whereby unexpected reactions from unknown directions will contradict or reaffirm your initiative. The initial mental push will be challenging, but once you get the gist of it, you’ll pick up the pace. ??
Awakening intuition means paying attention to your gut feelings, while also engaging in critical creative rethinking.?
Too often we get destructed by believing in the general opinion about the mitigating circumstances. ?This can impair our cognitive ability. As individuals, we have several emotional entities, we just don’t know which are predominant in our mental equilibrium. To identify a passage to our inner self, we need to be nonjudgmental and at the same time super-inquisitive. Awakening intuition aims at reaching some cognizance that will eventually, redirect our responses to coincide with our deeply felt passion. In the process of identifying our predominant emotions, there are several duplications and omissions. In most cases, we arrive at a preferable constellation by trial and error.
How to overcome intellectual obstacles.
At various junctions, where the pursuance of a chosen task met with obstacles, I was asking myself, why is it so challenging to fulfill one’s set destiny?? Probably because everything is constantly in motion and the changes are by and large contradictory to the envisioned outcome. When confronted with seemingly insurmountable challenges, we tend to adopt beliefs because they are easier to accept than unverified challenges. In reality, however, challenging the intellectual capacity has its merits. Confronted with an unusual situation,n the mind quickly ascertains the potential effects and provides intuitive responses.
Instinctively and unintentionally, we abide by a frame of reference that guides us through the evaluation of the first impressions and beyond. This has a profound effect on what we believe in, and what we choose to do. If we are only set to win no matter what, we will alienate collaborators who are genuinely interested in working with us. Winning cannot be achieved in isolation, that is why there is no way to progress without also being beneficial to others. By overemphasizing self-gain, we automatically discard social commitments toward people we work with and for.
Becoming a brain digger, by mining your mind. ?????????????????????
We tend to rely on references and associations, which might not be suitable to nurture our deeply felt calling. Our value metrics have a profound effect on our beliefs and resolve. By overemphasizing self-interest, we automatically create exclusions. ?In some cases, passion needs to be steered up with a provocation. And when it is energized, it moves in the opposite direction of the conventional ways to find self-satisfaction. Mind mining means discovering previously obscured bits of intellectual gems.
Time is the most valuable asset we have, and it is fluid.
Unpredictability in all sectors is on the rise. Expecting that the “others” would have a solution for the shifting realities is an illusion. So, it is not surprising that many people are looking for a replacement of the unpredictable.
One reason for the accelerating change is the prevalent need for more. It changes the time available to absorb the accelerating process and deliver whatever it is that is expected from us. The persistent marketing-driven economy makes it difficult for people to take the time and make a considered evaluation. We react intuitively, avoiding a critical deductive thinking process that takes time. The evaluation process we use, is being crippled to make quick and often foolish economic decisions.?
Time-space compression diseconomies occur as a result of technological innovations driven by the global expansion of capital that condense or elide spatial and temporal distances, including technologies driven by the need to overcome spatial barriers, open up new markets, speed up production cycles, and reduce the turnover time of capital. Diseconomies of scale happen when a company or business grows so large that the costs per unit increase above the expected return.
The impact of Time-space compression is a result of strategic maneuvers, created by industries,? ?to ensure an increase in profitability within their enterprises. The commercial drive to deliver on the expanding demands for goods and services is the major cause of time-space compression. The diseconomy is a result of time-space compression. We need to recognize that no matter where we are, regardless of our professional pursuits, and beyond the close connections we have, we are subjected to the socio-economic predicaments of people we don't know. We rely on the people who rely on the people we would never know. That makes the cognizance of amicable collaborations, a key issue.?? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The time-space compression demands critical change in faster delivery of performances, ????????and this has a direct effect on you.
Your point of view is appreciated. ?????????