AWAFN eNews #4 ★ June 2024
AWAFN Chairperson Theresa Ssali with fellow Board member Abiola Akinbiyi at the recent Africa Day Gala Dinner, held at Melbourne Town Hall.

AWAFN eNews #4 ★ June 2024

2024 AWAFN AGM - Save the Date!

The 2024 AWAFN AGM will be held on July 27th.
The Chairperson of the AWAFN - Theresa Ssali - has announced the date for our 2024 AGM. The upcoming Annual General Meeting of the members and supporters of the African Women’s and Families Network Inc. (AWAFN) will be held on 27 July 2024 at 4.00pm on Zoom. All members and supporters are invited to attend by sending an email to AWAFN by no later than 20 July to [email protected]. Once your interest has been recorded you will be sent a Zoom meeting invite around one week before the meeting.

May 2024 Was A Busy Month For AWAFN!

May was a busy month for the African Women's And Families Network with our community engagement activities. Earlier this month, our Chairperson Theresa Sengaaga Ssali together with board member Sarah Chong attended a community gathering with the Afghan diaspora, celebrating the arrival of Iocal Pakistani boxing hero llyas Hazara. A monumental moment championed by the Afghan community who put in tireless hours to bring their local champion to Australia for the first time to compete in a boxing match.

Afghan Community Engagement - Theresa, Sarah and Sadia Ali - Community Engagement Officer City of Casey

We were told by community leader Saied Rezawi JP that Illyas won his match. What a win for Illyas and also for the community.

Theresa, our Chairperson, was also specifically invited to provide expertise at a round table forum aimed at Creating Safer and Stronger Communities. Led by our good friends at MiCare, AWAFN joined other community groups from Congo, India, Fijian Community Association Victoria Inc., Papua New Guinea Women's Association of Victoria, South Sudan and Latin America.

MiCare Family Violence Forum.

Another remarkable event in which we are determined to bring the margins to the mainstream and ensure the voices of grassroots communities are heard when developing family violence prevention programs.

Lastly to end the month with a bang, AWAFN along with members of Ugandans Melbourne Victoria attended the annual Africa Day Australia gala.

AWAFN's Therese and Sarah with Lilian Ntahonkiriye, Rebecca Mphande and Abouk Mour Giir?at the Africa Day Gala.

What a night full of glamour and notable achievements; great to see so many community led initiatives that are paving the way forward for future generations.

Eid Al Adha - Get to know your neighbours - multicultural dinner

Come along and join in our Eid celebrations on Friday June 21st. 5-8pm. Get to know your neighbours as we celebrate the diversity within our communities.

See flyer above for more details.

A wonderful night of cultural celebrations at the Huntingdale Community Hall hosted in partnership with our good friends at MiCare .

Celebrating Our Carers

Do you look after a family member, friend, or a community member that has a disability, chronic illness or is an older person? African Women's and Families Network (AWAFN) and Carers Victoria invite you to the Diverse Multicultural Carers' Buffet Lunch in Dandenong on Saturday 29 June 2024. Come and enjoy our free carers and families buffet lunch, entertainment, and meet your local Carers Support Services.

Registration is limited to three people per family.

This Carers' Buffet Lunch is organised by the AWAFN Executive in partnership with Carers Victoria and Uganda Pearl of Africa Victorian Association (UPAVA). For more detail, and to make a booking, click here.

AWAFN Disability Self Help Project

African Women's & Families Network Inc. has been successful in receiving funding from the Victorian Government Disability Self Help Grants program 2023- 2025 over two years.

While the grant is not large, it will enable us to support up to 40 people in our community with a disability. We will be able to support them and their carers using our team of bi-lingual, bi-cultural workers and offer training in self-management, and establish a peer support network so they can share their ‘lived experience’.

See ECCV's Multicultural Disability Hub - weblink below.

We’ll also support them to plan and deliver activities of their choosing that at the same time provide some helpful and relevant information or education. The project will culminate in a key celebratory event that, with our support, participants will plan and deliver themselves.

Our state peak organisation - the Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria (ECCV) - has developed a new Multicultural Disability Hub. This hub was developed as a resource for people with disability from migrant and refugee communities, their families, carers, as well as the disability sector. Find it here.

DonateLife Project

AWAFN has been fortunate to attract a grant from the Organ Donation Authority to deliver a project to engage with, and empower, our community to increase their knowledge of the benefits of organ donations and transplantation and to encourage family discussion.

We plan to do this through a safe, family-focused event during DonateLife Week 2024. To be held at 'The Castle' in Dandenong during the afternoon of Saturday 3 August, there will be storytelling and music plus messaging about organ and tissue donation in a safe environment suitable for the whole family.?We encourage you to save the date now!

Save the date - Saturday afternoon of 3 August

Look out for our flyer and our social media posts providing more detail about the event and how to register. We expect over 150 people to attend and plan to make it a fun event with lots of activities for the kids and many opportunities to have all your questions about organ and tissue donation answered.

AWAFN Welcomes Our New Project Officer

The executive team at AWAFN welcomes Katinda Ndola to our organisation as the DonateLife Project Officer. Katinda is a transformative personal development coach and community influencer, specializing in self-awareness, relationships, confidence, and self-esteem. She excels at guiding individuals through uncomfortable conversations, fostering deeper connections and personal growth.

Katinda Ndola is a community influencer, speaker, mentor, educator and advocate for diversity and inclusion

With her compassionate approach and practical strategies, Katinda has inspired countless people to lead more empowered and authentic lives. Her extensive experience and her expertise will ensure that our Organ Donation Project will be a great success. We welcome her to the team.

Volunteering Opportunity with AWAFN: Website Maintenance

AWAFN is seeking the help of a person skilled in website maintenance. This is a voluntary position and you would be providing valuable support for a community based organisation largely run by volunteers.

A great volunteering opportunity!

We estimate that this role would require a commitment of maybe four hours of initial work followed by one or two hours in each subsequent month. To discuss please contact the AWAFN Chairperson, Theresa Ssali on 0401 515 117 or email [email protected].

Homework Clubs raise school participation and completion rates

The Victorian Government is continuing to support Victoria’s African communities through the successful Homework Clubs which have helped increase school participation and completion rates. Delivered as part of the Victorian African Communities Action Plan – a 10-year strategy to empower African Victorians – Homework Clubs aim to better engage students and their families with their education, schools, and communities.

The funding will invest $12m into the successful Homework Clubs and School Community Liaison Officers programs.

The program offers safe, inclusive, and culturally appropriate spaces for young African Victorians and their families to meet to do schoolwork and other activities. It also provides important opportunities for families to build social connections within their local and wider communities, with Homework Clubs running across the state including in Dandenong, Flemington, Carlton, Pakenham, and Preston along with regional cities such as Bendigo, Greater Shepparton, and Corio. For more information on the Victorian African Communities Action Plan and 'Homework Clubs' - click here.

Blackburn English Language School for newly arrived kids

Blackburn English Language School is part of the 'New Arrival Program' and provides intensive English language programs to primary and secondary aged newly arrived students from language backgrounds other than English. The school provides an environment that encourages students from a range of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to become confident and active participants in the wider Australian community.

The school operates across three locations, two metropolitan and one regional. The main site, Whitehorse, is located in Burwood East, the Maroondah Campus is in Croydon North, and the Wodonga campus is in the north-east of the state in Wodonga. Each site attracts newly-arrived students from their respective geographical areas. Find out more.

The school creates a safe and supportive learning environment.

Hear first hand about the Blackburn English Language School! It is the keynote feature on the agenda of the Communities’ Council on Ethnic Issues (Eastern Region) monthly Migrant Settlement Committee meeting this Friday 7 June, 9:30am- 11:00am?at the Whitehorse Civic Centre. All welcome. Register for the meeting here.

Dr Michael Muleme is AWAFN's Newest Board Member

AWAFN has welcomed Dr MICHAEL MULEME to its Board of Directors. Michael is passionate about community development and social justice. He has served on the boards of different community organisations in Victoria; he brings to AWAFN strategic and operational leadership experience.

Dr Michael Muleme is an epidemiologist at Barwon Health.

Michael is an epidemiologist within Victoria’s public health system and takes pride in incorporating health messaging in community engagement strategies and activities. Michael loves music, gardening, interior design, reading and imparting knowledge through teaching outside his professional and leadership roles.

Michael plays the bass guitar in a church band in Werribee and is part of the Darley community gardening club in Bacchus Marsh. He is also a passionate backyard gardener and grows a vegetables and fruit for his family.

He is married to Linda and they are blessed with three healthy boys. They also have three lovely backyard chickens - who are treasured members of the family!

Springvale’s story - Strong communities don’t just happen

To celebrate the strength and resilience of one of Australia’s most diverse communities, the Scanlon Foundation Research Institute together with the City of Greater Dandenong invite you to the launch of a new narrative: Strong communities don’t just happen – Springvale’s story.

The narrative provides remarkable insight into the strong social foundation built by the Springvale community over time, and how under substantial pandemic pressure, the community was able to rally in an example of the power of a cohesive community.

Registrations close at 10am next Monday 10th June.

Date: Thursday 13th June 2024

Time: 5.00pm – 7.30pm (4.30pm arrival)

Venue: Springvale City Hall, 18 Grace Park Avenue, Springvale

Reserve a spot here.

What’s happened to multiculturalism?

The federal government’s Multicultural Framework Review presents us with the opportunity to look back on the trials and tribulations of Australian multiculturalism, both as response to the racist history of the nation and as a policy framework aimed at sowing an alternative social cohesion. At the same time as this Review, the federal government has been pushing through the Migration Amendment Bill 2024; further criminalising seeking asylum, opening the door to indefinite detention, facilitating the separation of families, and empowering the Minister to ban all people from designated “concern” countries. And of course, multiculturalism and the impacts of racism have been brought into much sharper focus by the after-effects of The Voice referendum.

At Borderlands Co-operative in Footscray.

Join us for a Q&A panel discussion hosted by Borderlands Co-operative on Wed 26th June 2024, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Free, but you need to get tickets here.

20 June is World Refugee Day

Each year on 20 June, the world celebrates World Refugee Day, the international day to honour people who have been forced to flee. Together, we can champion their right to seek safety, build support for their economic and social inclusion, and advocate for solutions to their plight.

Somali refugees celebrate World Refugee Day at the?Mirqaan settlement in eastern Ethiopia.?

It was originally known as Africa Refugee Day, before the United Nations General Assembly officially designated it as an international day in December 2000. Learn more here.

Refugee Week Theme 2024 – 'Finding Freedom: Family'

In Australia, Refugee Week will be held this month, from Sunday 16 June to Saturday 22 June. In a world marked by displacement and the search for refuge, this year’s Refugee Week theme “Finding Freedom” – with a focus on family – encapsulates the profound journey of resilience, strength, and unity that defines the refugee experience. This Refugee Week, we aim to shed light on the transformative power of familial bonds as well as chosen bonds in the face of adversity and emphasise the crucial role families play in providing solace, support, and a sense of belonging to those forced to flee their homelands.

RCOA's 2024 Refugee Week poster features Aline and her daughter Ashley.

The theme invites us to explore the stories of refugees who, despite the challenges they encounter, discover a source of freedom within the embrace of their families. Whether it’s the unwavering support of parents, the protective love between siblings, or the communal strength found in extended and chosen families, neighbours, support systems upon arrival in Australia. Learn more here.

CCOEI's 2024 Refugee Week Event

Communities’ Council on Ethnic Issues (CCOEI) and members of our diverse communities across the City Of Monash ?aim to shed light on the transformative power of familial bonds as well as chosen bonds in the face of adversity and emphasise the crucial role families play in providing solace, support, and a sense of belonging to those forced to flee their homelands.

CCOEI's Refugee Week Event is on 15 June 2024

Join CCOEI as we present our Refugee Week 2024 event 'Finding Freedom: Family.?Harmony Through Storytelling' on Saturday 15 June 2024 at 11am to 2pm, Glen Waverley Community Center, 700 Waverley Road, Glen Waverley. Get your free tickets here.

50 years since the introduction of multicultural policy in Australia

FECCA (Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia) has undertaken a comprehensive reflection on the current state of multiculturalism from the perspective of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds via an online survey, stakeholder consultations and expert interviews.

2023 marked 50 years since the introduction of multicultural policy in Australia.

?? The Australian Multiculturalism Survey - Findings Report has been prepared by Dr Estelle Boyle from the Monash Migration and Inclusion Centre and details the quantitative and qualitative findings, including: - 84% of respondents consider Australia to be their home, and 66% feel a sense of belonging in Australia - 70% have experienced racism or discrimination, though 75% have never reported a racist experience - 92% feel they contribute to Australian society - 63% agree that Australia is a successful multicultural country. Download and read the full report here.

Meet FECCA Conference Artist-In-Residence: Martha Bizimana!

Martha is an emerging talent in the realm of visual arts, currently studying a Bachelor of Visual Arts majoring in Photography at the Queensland College of Art and Design (QCAD). She was awarded the Creative Generation Excellence Award in Visual Art (Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art).

Martha has exhibited in several successful group exhibitions

Martha is interested in exploring her African heritage and experiences as an African-Australian woman through her art. Her beautiful artwork has been incorporated into this year's FECCA Conference 2024 logo, website and marketing, and will be on display throughout the conference from 16 - 17 October. More info:

Want to present at the 2024 FECCA Conference?

FECCA (Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia) are now accepting ABSTRACT submissions for the FECCA Conference 2024 to be held at Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre from 16 - 17 October!

This is a great opportunity to showcase your expertise and share your ideas, perspectives and experiences with an audience of multicultural leaders, organisations, service providers, researchers, policy makers, public servants and community members. Seize the opportunity! Be part of a national conversation and help create a vision for multiculturalism that truly represents our communities, inspires the sector and directs the work we do.

Abstract submissions close on Friday 28 June.

???? Read the Conference themes, submission guidelines, selection criteria and Q&A and APPLY TODAY.

Hats Off to Makepisi

Makepisi (which means someone who wears a hat) is Melbourne's five-piece acapella line-up singing contemporary and traditional South African songs; they showcase powerful black voices that have toured internationally. This is a space for the artists to share their culture with the audience, through song and discussion - Makepisi is guaranteed to inspire and uplift.

Makepisi's debut performance was at The Boite Singers Festival in 2021.

Makepisi's powerful male voices belong to Valanga Khoza, Sello Molefi, Mpaphi Nfandizo, Mqondisi Shozi and Senzo Myeza. The vocal group had its debut performance in April 2021 at the opening concert of The Boite Singers Festival, performing to a sell-out crowd and receiving a standing ovation. Invitations to sing at festivals around Australia quickly starting coming in, along with bookings to facilitate vocal workshops for choirs.

Today's review of The Boite's 45th Birthday Celebration in The Age (3/6/'24, page 21).

Last Saturday evening, Makepisi performed to a packed and appreciative audience at the Collingwood Town Hall to mark The Boite's 45th Anniversary - it was a wonderful celebration of Melbourne's culturally diverse music scene. Today's Age newspaper review (above) stated "South African quintet Makepisi radiated vitality through their syncopated vocal rhythms and exquisite harmonies...". Happy 45th Birthday to The Boite!


See one-of-a-kind performances spanning classical, jazz and more, featuring mind-altering sounds from Africa, the Middle East and beyond. The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) 'Friday Nights' will be home to five music residencies this winter, each taking turns to curate performances across three slots every Friday night (8pm, 8.40pm and 9.20pm). Residents and their hand-picked musical guests invite you on a unique music journey. Details here.

Eight-time ARIA Award winner Joseph Tawadros.

Taking residence the first three weeks of Friday Nights is acclaimed composer, oud virtuoso and eight-time ARIA Award winner Joseph Tawadros. Joseph performs original, semi-improvised compositions that seamlessly blend Arabic modes with Western classical, jazz, world, folk, metal and bluegrass across three weeks and nine unique sets. Other musical guests and performers will include Ajak Kwai . Her music is inspiring and soulful, representing the depth and richness of her South Sudanese roots. Her performances are filled with vibrant sounds and her distinctive voice has mesmerised audiences nationally and internationally. Hear Ajak's community radio program - Come Together - live to air every Monday afternoon 1-3pm, or later - click here.

Community Radio Broadcaster, Singer, Songwriter and Storyteller Ajak Kwai.

Also appearing on the NGV's Friday Nights will be Stani Goma , a champion of the rich and diverse sounds of the African continent. Stani draws upon his wealth of knowledge and passion to present Flight 1067 to Africa – PBS’s iconic and long-running show dedicated to African music. Listen to Stani live to air every Sunday afternoon 3-5pm, or later - click here.


A landmark exhibition, Africa Fashion celebrates the creativity, ingenuity, and global impact of contemporary African fashions from the mid-twentieth century to the present day.? Featuring over 200 works – spanning fashion, textiles, adornment, photography, music and film – the exhibition illuminates a thriving fashion scene as dynamic and varied as the continent itself.

Atong Atem: Africa Fashion At NGV International.

?Developed by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and presented in Melbourne in partnership with the NGV, Africa Fashion is the largest exhibition of fashions from this region in an Australian art institution to date. More than 50 designers and artists from 20 African countries are represented, from the vanguards who first gained worldwide attention, such as Kofi Ansah, Chris Seydou and Shade Thomas-Fahm – to the newest generation of cutting-edge creatives, including Thebe Magugu, Imane Ayissi, IAMISIGO, and Lisa Folawiyo. Now on at the NGV.

Peter Bol has a story to tell

Peter Bol OLY is an Australian middle-distance runner who competes in the 800 metres. He represented Australia at the 2016 Rio Olympics, placed fourth at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and won the silver medal at the 2022 Commonwealth Games. He was born in Khartoum, Sudan.

After his heroic deeds in Tokyo three years ago, he was eyeing a tantalising future until a baseless doping allegation threatened to turn his world upside down.

Peter Bol appears on the cover of Esquire Australia’s winter 2024 issue.

In the time spent clearing his name and regaining his form and spirit, Bol learned a lot about what it takes to be unbreakable – enough, perhaps, to make the sky the limit when he lines up at the Paris Olympics in August. Read Christopher Riley's cover story about Peter in Esquire.

To find previous editions of the AWAFN eNews - click here.

Want to receive the African Women's And Families Network (AWAFN) newsletter in your email inbox? Please send us an email at [email protected] and we will add you to our distribution list! You can also find us on Facebook.

Disclaimer: The AWAFN eNews publishes content as it’s contributed or sourced with minimal editing. Material included does not necessarily reflect the views of the editor nor the AWAFN Board, nor should its inclusion be seen to necessarily constitute an endorsement.

For further information or enquiries, email AWAFN at: [email protected]
Our next monthly AWAFN eNews (No.5) will appear on July 1st.


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