AV's StellaWorld
Amish Verma
FMCH* Maverick: Nourishing Bodies, Igniting Businesses, and Chasing Dreams Worldwide! *(Fast Moving Consumer Health)
Are you going to get this life again? ??
I am saying with confidence, perhaps NOT. Then why waste it living under constant pressures. The pressures which are built over a period of time by our own actions.
One can always plan atleast a couple of years ahead but loosing sleep over our retirement plans, I believe is a little far fetched in todays virus ridden world.
?Living in the moment by planning well for the future is always a wise call to address the retirement anxiety.
How many times one waits to do investment planning for the year in March end? Are you able to relate to many such situations in real life with such delayed call to actions with your happiness too. Yes?
May be there were times that prompted you to live few moments "with you in it" and not the anxiety but missed the opportunity when you made yourself believe "I have no time".
?Living to tell the tale of success will give you more satisfaction than anything else. As one plans for financial stability one must plan for mental stability too, a by-product of your happiness quotient.
?Little invested in "happiness everyday" will go a long way to make future life happy and will indeed kill the anxiety that gets built-up over time.
??Trigger self-love now to meet the "happy yourself" in retirement times.??