Avoiding the problem
So there’s this one guy in jiu-jitsu I call “The Kryptonite” because, honestly, that’s what he is—my kryptonite.
Every time I roll with him at BJJ [Brazilian Jui Jitsu], he's all over me.
Naturally, I did what most men do when faced with hardship—I avoided him.
I dodged rolling with him for ages because I couldn’t solve the puzzle.
And if I’m being brutally honest, there was an element of fear. Rolling with him bruised my ego because I just didn’t have the answers.
Admitting that feels strangely good.
Last Friday night, I took the plunge and rolled with him again.
And, as expected, I came out second best. But this time, I walked away with a different mindset—
a mindset I teach other men like you lot to adopt when faced with challenges in their lives.
From now on, every time we’re in the same training session, he’s the first person I’m calling out. Why?
Because if I’m ever going to solve the puzzle, I need to do three things:
The lesson here?
If you’re ready to overcome your challenges, you need to face them, drop the ego, and commit to the process.
You can't hide from this, there is no where to go, because the pain of struggle or stagnated progress will always catch up with you.
Let's get to work
See you all for todays health sprint
#OvercomeChallenges #DropTheEgo #MensGrowth #FaceTheHardship #LevelUpYourLife