Avoiding Distractions and Staying Focused

Good Afternoon! Well, we are into week 3 of my semester and I thought I’d share an earlier edition of Freshmen Focus, because what has happened so far this week is important, and I didn’t want to wait until Saturday to share it!

At the time of this writing, it is Wednesday afternoon and I have both of my face to face classes by now, one on Monday and one on Tuesday, and another today! This week we began by opening up the first chapter of the book to discuss a few important topics! First we talked about what it means to thrive in college and in life, we learned that thriving “is about achieving the goals you set for yourself and other goals you can’t imagine.” “Thriving means going beyond minimum requirements … exceeding these goals to discover talents and abilities you didn’t know you had”. “Thriving is also about deriving a maximum amount of self-satisfaction, self-esteem, and pleasure, .. it involves excitement, exhilaration, and even joy.”

I taught the class that college is about more than just grades but discovering who you are, what talents you have, and being transformed into something amazing in the process! That’s exactly what college did for me, I was a skinny, scared little freshmen who had no direction at all, but college allowed me to blossom! And discover who I was truly meant to be, and I want my students and you to have that same experience!

We also learned this week that students have to discover their purpose, the reason they are doing college early, having a clear understanding of purpose can get you motivated! “People with a clear sense of purpose know who they are, where they have come from, and where they are going.” And purpose can just be about money, it needs to be something bigger than just YOU. It should be something that will help other people, one of my students said her purpose is to give her children a better life, to show them that if money can do it, they can do it! My purpose for teaching is to touch the lives of as many young people as I can so they can be better people, it’s so much bigger than just me and a paycheck! FIND YOUR PURPOSE and find it early!

And finally, we learned about SMART goals guideline, where I taught them all of their goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and attached to a time! But then the next lecture is where we got to some things I think will help you. We talked about emotional intelligence in the second lecture for this week and plan to talk more about it next week! What an important topic, our emotions are one of the main reasons many people are not successful. I teach this lecture with more passion than I do any lecture, it is intense, because I want so badly for my students to not fall into the trap of their feelings! Many wrong decisions have been made based on how we feel! I spend to classes talking about this topic and going through some strategies that will help them get control of their emotions. Today we watched and then discussed the famous Marshmallow Test experiment, and I showed them how that same experiment can be applied to how addictive we can be with our cell phones! And right in the middle of the lecture it happened, several of my students were on their phones while I was lecturing! Now you can’t know this, but this is the one thing that will cause me to get emotional! It is HIGHLY disrespectful to a teacher or anyone who is in front of the room talking!

I had to speak about it, so I took the time in my lecture to explain to my students how offensive that was and that I never wanted to see that again, I told them that when you do that it is telling your teacher that they are not important! I went on about this longer that I should have and felt a little bad afterwards, but I stand by my belief, so here is what I will say to you about this matter.

1.?????? When you enter your classroom put your cell phone away, if you need to turn it off completely so that it doesn't disturb you, are the class. I would ignore a phone call from my wife if I’m in class, and I love her dearly! All any teacher asks is that you show them the same respect!

2.?????? Sit up right at the desk and give your instructor your undivided attention, focus on them and shut out all other distractions! STAY FOCUSED on the lecture at hand! Many of these teachers are pouring out their souls to you, how dare you dismiss their passion for wanting to help you!

3.?????? Take some notes, ask questions, be engaged in the discussion! There is nothing worse than having to talk to a group of students and no one is responding to your questions, it’s like a room full of zombies! Be the student who has read the chapter and has come prepared to discuss the information! Be the student who is ready to take notes! Be the student who raises their hand so much that the teacher gets tired of you! LOL!!!

4.?????? Be on time for class and if you arrive late don’t interrupt the class with an explanation of why you were late! Have a seat and try to get caught up on what you’ve already missed!

There is so much more I could say about this week but I’m going to end it there and save some for the next edition of Freshmen Focus! Remember you should be thriving in college, you need to discover your purpose early, you need to set some goals and be sure they are SMART, and finally learn how to handle your emotions, if there isn’t a class of some kind on your campus that addresses this, see a counselor! Never allow your emotions to be a hindrance to your success!

Much love,

Mr. Keenan


