Avoiding Digital Product Shipwreck: The UX Iceberg
Accessibility Text for Image: An iceberg in the ocean. The larger part of the iceberg under the water is labeled "UX." The smallest part, the tip of the iceberg, is above the water and visible. It is labeled, "UI/GUI."

Avoiding Digital Product Shipwreck: The UX Iceberg

Many organizations put the focus on making a pretty user interface with the belief that it will make their site or app easy-to-use. What they don’t realize is that, much like the tip of an iceberg, the user interface is only a small part of what makes digital products successful.

The invisible but necessary user experience strategy below the surface is what truly determines the success of a product. Without intentional planning and a strategy centered on users, the digital product can never support user or business needs.

Creating a Solid User Experience Strategy

The important but invisible work of building a strong user-focused strategy must be done far before you start thinking about visual design.

  • Do Your Research: Don’t skip the Discovery phase. Gathering information and observing users helps inform which direction the site or app should take. Without this, the direction the product should take is ill-informed.
  • Create Structural Prototypes: Sketching, wireframing, or building prototypes means ideas can be tested quickly. This allows breathing room and time for user testing far before anything goes to code and becomes difficult to reverse.?
  • Document UX Requirements: Similar to technical requirements, documenting requirements for the users’ experience will help the overall team understand what is necessary and fill any missing gaps.

The Biggest, Most Important Part ?

Just like an iceberg, everything below the surface supports a site or app. No matter how visually appealing a user interface is, it won’t make the product useful and intuitive. But careful, thoughtful planning behind your key UX decisions will.


Ready to learn more about how to create a solid UX strategy?

Read the full article: Avoiding Digital Product Shipwreck: The UX Iceberg


