Avoiding Crisis.
Mitchell Milby
Hon. AIA Dallas, Hon. TxA; Managing Partner at MILBY LLC attorneys + counselors; General Counsel for Chint Power Systems America Co.
“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” - Epictetus
Today’s post is a bit of a detour from where I left off last time. Today is a discussion about avoiding crisis.
The most important thing I did when I started my law/consulting practice was the implementation of processes. Namely, putting in place a framework that allowed my clients to access me from anywhere and that also allowed me to respond with the information they needed when they needed it - no matter the circumstances. Most recently, I reaped the rewards of this investment. I won’t belabor the details, other than to say that when unexpected illness struck during the holidays (an unusually long bout of pneumonia), I was still able to respond as and when needed because of my business systems. In short, crisis averted.
So, whatever your business, the time you spend on process and systems on the front-end will not only make your clients’ experience better, but your life easier. It’s an investment that will pay dividends later. Hopefully, my articles on contracts can help you with that goal – having the references in place for use in your business when you need it.
Until next time . . .