Avoiding Burnout
Hannah Jay Rees
Leader | Games Production | Passionate STEM Advocate | Career Coach | Empowering Women in Tech
When people talk about burn out, most folks assume that it means that you have hit rock bottom and you are seconds away from a mental breakdown. For most of us, that is not what burn out is or how it manifests itself. As a big believer in mindfulness and emotional intelligence, educating and helping people identify when they need to take a break has almost become one of my life goals.
From an early age I've suffered with my mental health or if I was being really honest, I struggled the most with identifying my triggers and managing the side effects of depression and anxiety.
Unbeknown to me, to get a handle on these issues you have to take action. Yes, like actual ACTION. That whole concept really blew my mind... I found myself thinking..."what do you mean it won't just get better?"... If anything my avoidance was adding to my stress and symptoms.
We're all so vastly different when it comes to mental health, so identifying your triggers and areas of your mental health you need to improve can only be done by you. However, asking yourself some questions around what has changed in your life.. Have you taken on more responsibilities? Has your environment changed? Has your work changed? Am I effective with my time management and organization? All questions that may seem fairly trivial but they can really help get to the root cause of why you're feeling so BLEH!
The next step after identifying your triggers is identifying your symptoms. More often than not burnout happens over extended periods of time, so being able to identify when you're starting to feel a little "off" can really be beneficial. Proactivity is better than reactivity when it comes to your mental health but sometimes reactivity is better than no action at all.
What should you be looking for when it comes to symptoms of burn out?
It's really important to remember that burn out is a slow process and it is not permanent, especially if you are able to identify your triggers/symptoms and actions you need to take to alleviate those issues.
So what can you do to look after yourself?
Barriers to Self Care
While burnout can cause issues at work, at home, and life in general, it is always possible to take action and move forward. Even if you are not experiencing stress or burnout now, the wisest course of action is to proactively take up self-care practices and build your mental resilience.