Avoid Self-Destruction
Jacob Kinyanjui, Ph.D, PMP, PSM
Project Management Trainer & Consultant
Untamed sex will kill you. Drugs and alcoholism will reduce you to a cabbage. Picking up fights with everyone will wreck your life. Arguing with your seniors is counterproductive. Gossip and lies will make people stop trusting you. Clean up your tongue. Destroying your family is destroying the cornerstone on which success is built. You cannot succeed without people’s support.
Not finishing what you start will compromise your self-confidence. Finish that degree. Stay the course on that project you launched no matter the price. Purpose to win in your marriage. Take full responsibility in every area of your life. Blaming others is the recipe that cooks failure. A snow ball in hell has a higher chance of success than someone who blames others for their missteps.
Find out what was in the mind of God when He conceived you. Pursue that purpose with singleness of heart. Never chase money. The love of money has killed many. Be purpose driven and money will follow you. Be consumed by an insatiable desire to fulfill your destiny. Refuse to fail. Refuse to be held hostage by your past. Focus on your present. Commit your future to God in prayers.
Break-down your life’s purpose into annual goals. Be crystal clear on what you want to achieve every 90 days. List down your day’s tasks the night before. Always finish your goals for every day no matter how inconveniencing it may be. Don’t work by feelings, work on purpose. Never sleep till you accomplish your day’s goals. Be accountable to someone. These are the things I teach in my mentorship program.