Avoid Regrets
Lawrence J Danks
Assistant Professor of Business - Camden County College (Retired 1/1/25)
I just read comments Erma Bombeck wrote in her final illness about avoiding regrets. She was right. Everybody knew she was funny, but her wise comments revealing her regrets indicates that she gained greater introspection - a gift of encouragement and hope to anyone who reads them, so we can do something about our own lives while we still have the chance.
Regrets are something we should do something about, if we can. Some can’t be undone, but many others can be. They’re the ones we should focus on and do something about. The idea is to go ahead with as short of a list as we can.
I’m working on it. I’m reading the best seller, ”The Top Five Regrets of the Dying” by Bronnie Ware. She details what she learned from her own life and from those she helped as a caregiver to the dying. It’s something to think about:
- I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself
- I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
- I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings
- I wish I’d stayed in touch with my friends
- I wish I had let myself be happier
Anytime is good to make a grocery list of dealing with regrets we can still do something about. I hope it helps all of us head our own off at the pass. It can help bring about a more satisfying and peaceful transition in days we all have coming.