Avoid Making Your Company and Clients the Bad Cop

Avoid Making Your Company and Clients the Bad Cop

I recently reengaged with a customer I worked with when I was employed by another company. I accomplished my appointment preparations, part of which was to complete a market tour of selected stores. During the meeting, I wanted to be able to help him understand the history and capabilities of my employer, but even more importantly to also demonstrate where we could bring value and opportunity within his current assortment and strategy.

We were about half way through the appointment when he stopped me and said, “Thank you for complimenting my company and speaking positively about yours. You would be surprised how many reps complain about [my company] and how frustrated they are with their own company.” I was actually shocked by his statement. Who would openly express such negative sentiments in front of a client?

On the flight home I reflected on his statement and found I have been guilty of exactly the same thing on previous occasions. I have used the Good Cop/Bad Cop routine before, placing blame or frustration somewhere else – creating “Bad Cops” to help me look better or gain support.

Do comments like these sound familiar?

I’d like to offer you a better price, but this is as low as I am allowed to go. 

Our performance would be so much better if stores could execute the program.

I knew you wouldn’t like that design. I tried to tell the creative department but they wouldn’t listen to me.

We keep getting put in bad locations within the department.

I’ll take your recommendations back to the office, but it is going to be really hard to get them to change their mind.

It can be so easy when you are away from your workplace and in a client’s conference room to fall into the Good Cop/Bad Cop routine. In these cases, the Bad Cops are never there to be able to defend themselves.

So how do we prevent creating Bad Cops? Preparation and providing solutions.

Fully understand the elements of the program you are presenting and anticipate overcoming objections

Thoroughly know your pricing structure and be ready to defend your rates

Spend time in the field and talk to those who execute your programs. Gain insights and ideas to offer solutions, not excuses

Tell your client what their company does right

Never speak negatively about your company – find ways to show your appreciation about your employer to your customer

I walked away from my meeting accomplishing my goals, opening up an opportunity to gain additional business, but most importantly I learned a valuable lesson about removing “Bad Cops” from my sales calls.

I started improving my journey with a Digital Marketing Company. Artocloud Digital is a Leading remote Marketing Company that understands your need. It helps you grow your Brand through accurate market research, Advertising, Brand building services.

We are turning clicks into clients since 2019. The world's expert Digital Marketing specialists are satisfying clients 24/7.

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