Avoid This Major Project Management Mistake!
Management Concepts
The premier provider of career development, performance improvement, and human capital solutions for the public sector.
If you’re a budding entrepreneur who runs your own startup, then you may be at risk of making a major project management mistake: that of never delegating important tasks to the right people.
It's true that your business is pretty much your brainchild and you want to take over the reins. This process entails wearing many hats - that of a manager, salesperson, marketing expert, HR professional, and even accountant. Sooner than later, you will run into a brick wall and could experience severe burnout.
This early burnout isn’t good for your business, especially when it’s still in the growing stage.
Your best bet is to simply delegate tasks that are best suited to other employees.
But why do some entrepreneurs or managers fail to delegate? There are quite a few reasons that contribute to them doing everything on their own, including:
●?The fear that delegating will make them appear lazy
●?Worrying that no one can do the project as efficiently as them
●?Delegating is so complicated that they would rather just do the project on their own
It’s time you learned to hand over control to your team and listen to their feedback. The goal of delegation is to build an environment based on a positive feedback loop that involves meticulous planning, monitoring, and communication.
Be Supportive of Your Employees
Being supportive and understanding of your employees is a core principle of delegative management. The best way to ensure that your team is right on track is to communicate with them and provide them with feedback. You can do this by visiting them in person, dropping an email, or instructing them over the phone.
Failing to delegate can potentially harm your sales, especially in the long run. Increase your empathy and emotional intelligence to effectively support your employees. Check out our blog on emotional intelligence here.