Avoid These Kinds of Clients From "Hell"?

Avoid These Kinds of Clients From "Hell"

Have you ever worked with a customer/client/co-worker/boss that was a pain in the royal "behind?"

I sure had plenty of those when I worked in Corporate. There was nothing worse for my mental health than having to deal with these kind of people who didn't meet my morals and my values.

The best part about being an Entrepreneur is that you get to decide who you want to work with. You don't have to work or accept anyone that comes across your way.

In the early days as an Entrepreneur, you may feel pressured to take on any client because of the money. But let me tell you something, that is a big mistake to make. Taking on clients that come from "hell" won't do you any favors for your business or even yourself.


In this edition of The Differentiation Innovator, you will learn how to spot and avoid the 6 kinds of clients that you shouldn't accept working with.


When you are qualifying your prospects on your next call, make sure you note these kinds of clients.

1) The "Cheap or Free" Client

This kind of client doesn't care about the value you can bring through your work at all.

  • It's also not just money they are cheap with, but their mindset is also cheap too.
  • All they care about is nickel and diming off you to receive a "discount."
  • Even worse, they ask you point blank if you can work for free.

If you are finding yourself having to negotiate too much with this kind of client, send them back to "hell."

2) The "Perfectionist" Client

These kinds of clients expect everything to be, well, just 100% perfect.

  • The work must be perfect
  • The results must be perfect
  • They want a full out guarantee (or their money back)
  • They want you, yourself, to be perfect

Perfection simply does not exist in this world. You are not perfect, your prospect isn't perfect, your work isn't perfect, NOTHING is perfect. If your prospect is expecting all of this and more, send them back to "hell."

3) The "Micromanager" Client

Just like a boss in Corporate, but in reverse.

  • They don't care for your time or your other client's time
  • They check in with you every hour on the hour
  • They call you at times you tell them not to call
  • They push you constantly asking, "How's progress going."

If you hated your micromanaging boss from Corporate, you should automatically send this client back to "hell."

4) The "I Need Special Treatment" Client

The client who thinks they deserve better than anyone else, including you.

  • Want to be treated as a "King" or "Queen"
  • They want things done their way
  • Terms that favor them more

These clients don't deserve any special treatment, they deserve their place back in "hell."

5) The "Uncertain" Client

This kind of client doesn't even know what they want to accomplish or do.

  • They most likely don't have their life together
  • They expect you to give them every answer
  • Expect to "babysit" this kind of client

Your client should have at least some idea what they want done or what to do, if they don't, send them back to "hell."

6) The "White Lies" Client

This client, in my opinion, is the worst of all clients.

  • They tell you one thing, but their actions show another
  • They give you wishy-washy answers to questions
  • They are simply not direct and up front with you

These clients should never be in deserving of your respect. Dishonest people, even if it's a white lie, isn't acceptable. If they lie like this to you in the qualifying and closing process, they will more than likely repeat that same behavior to you when working for them. These clients can surely walk their way back to "hell."

That is all for this edition of The Differentiation Innovator. I am very confident this edition will serve you well in your venture. See you next time.

?? Innovation Through Differentiation ??


When you are ready to do so, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1) 1:1 Coaching: Click here for options on 1:1 coaching directly with me. We can talk about your branding, productization, marketing, or sales processes and I’ll give you tips to improve them.

2) The Online Business Creation System: Unlock lifetime access to the systems I have used for myself and my clients that helped them obtain 2-3x more revenue for their online business with this course here .

3) My Open Coaching Program: Each month, I help 3 people build a new online business or side hustle, or to help improve their online business processes. More info can be found here . Schedule a time to speak with me about this program here .

Amanda McNeil

Creating unique event experiences that connect, inspire, have lasting impact & create priceless memories ? Message me "EVENTS" if you want your event to connect, inspire & have an impact on your audience ??

2 年

What a great article Andrew J. Rauschenberger

Eliana Sim

Financial Advisor (Self-employed)

2 年

Yes, when just started. Any clients we have to learn to manage them. When experiences brings us insights how to manage them, we need to see who is able to work with us in the longer run, that is good for us and them

Andrew J. Rauschenberger

I help turn words into ?? for B2B & Consumer-focused businesses by writing influential & inviting email copy that converts prospects → paying customers | Follow → for more copywriting & human psychology tips!

2 年

What was your client from "hell" experience? Comment below!

Bill Stark

I Guide Corporate Executives & Entrepreneurs in Exploring and Validating Franchise Business Investment Opportunities | Former Corporate Executive Turned Entrepreneur

2 年

I had plenty of experiences with these kinds of clients Andrew J. Rauschenberger I do agree with you on the white lies client. Those are the worse. If only people can be just straight up honest.

Andrew J. Rauschenberger

I help turn words into ?? for B2B & Consumer-focused businesses by writing influential & inviting email copy that converts prospects → paying customers | Follow → for more copywriting & human psychology tips!

2 年

Missed the last edition? No worries, you can grab it here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/circle-exercise-change-your-life-andrew-j-rauschenberger/?trackingId=hhb5atarSP2KtQSkOtoqtw%3D%3D Title: The "Circle" Exercise That Will Change Your Life


