Avoid These Ingredients in Your Food
Everything we eat or drink and the products we put on our skin have a direct impact on our health and wellbeing. Most of the skincare products we use contain artificial ingredients and this unhealthy trend has carried over to the food we see in our grocery stores.
That is the main reason why we should not ignore the importance of reading food labels. Whether we are looking for the presence of macronutrients and micronutrients or checking out the long list of ingredients, it is very important to be well‐informed and know exactly what is in the products and the food you are eating.
After you start reading labels, you will see that a lot of the foods that are advertised as good for you and healthy, are made with some very questionable ingredients. It is always a good idea to thoroughly investigate what is in the foods you are eating.
We don't want to eat food that will increase our chances of developing cancer or some other incurable, progressive condition. If we choose the wrong food and skin products, the long-term results can change the quality of our life, in many ways.
Here are a few of bad ingredients to look out for next time you read an ingredient list:
Diacetyl - Studies found that this chemical has been linked to respiratory problems and the creation of plaque in the brain, a sign of Alzheimer’s disease. This harmful ingredient produces a strong buttery flavor and aroma, it is found most often in microwave popcorn, but also in candy, margarine, baked goods and e-cigarettes.
Diacetyl is naturally produced during the fermentation process. It can be used in acceptable amounts without causing harm but continual exposure to diacetyl fumes - such as in the microwave popcorn production industry - has been associated with bronchiolitis obliterans. This is a rare, life-threatening form of non-reversible, obstructive lung disease. This is when the bronchioles (small airway branches) are compressed and narrowed by fibrosis (scar tissue) and/or inflammation*.
Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT): This is used to prevent food from spoiling. In lab tests, consumption of BHA’s has been linked to causing cancer in rats and other laboratory animals. BHA is a carcinogen but amounts used in food are generally considered safe. Studies showed a potential link to certain cancers when it is eaten in large doses.
It is used in dressings, mayo, sauces, desserts, dry yeast, beverages, sandwich spreads and in dried potatoes.
Nitrite - If you’ve ever eaten a hot dog, lunch meat, cured or processed meats, you have eaten nitrite. The chemical is used to preserve meats and to keep their colors bright and looking delicious.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), adding nitrites to meat has been shown to generate carcinogens. The recommended maximum limit by the WHO in drinking water is 3 mg L?1 and 50 mg L?1 for nitrite and nitrate ions, respectively. They warn, eating 50 g (1.8 oz) of nitrite processed meat a day would raise the risk of getting bowel cancer over a lifetime by 18 percent.
Nitrite consumption has also been linked to an increased chance of stomach and pancreatic cancers, COPD, mutations of your DNA and real risks of developing brain tumors.*
More Food Ingredients to Be Aware Of
Many more ingredients in our food are considered controversial and probable carcinogens, if they are consumed too often. Before an ingredient is labeled scientifically good or bad, years of research is done to support the claims and keeping to its true nature, there is evidence to counteract the claims.
Some of the strange ingredients added to our food is there only to add color or to change the overall appearance.
Cochineal insects are harvested, then ground up by the billions. It takes 70,000 insects to make one pound of the bright red cochineal dye. It is made into a powder and mixed with water to produce a bright red color and it was used only as a coloring for fabrics. The insect dye is now used to color food, candies, juices, beverage drinks as well as many more food and non-food products.
Tartrazine, or Yellow #5, is used as a food dye and in prescription drugs to add color. A 2015 study* found that Yellow #5 causes damage to white blood cells and may make the development of tumors and cancers more likely. Yellow #5 comes from coal tar and is known to cause severe allergic reactions and side effects in some individuals, such as thyroid cancer, clinical depression, insomnia and aggravation of Carpal Tunnel.
Brominated Vegetable Oil/BVO: is commonly used in sodas, sports drinks and in citrus-flavored cocktail mix varieties, to prevent flavor separation. This chemical is linked to increased risk of cancer, acne, and memory loss.
It is also known to deplete iodine, which can lead to iodine deficiency and ultimately, ovary and breast cancer in women.
Over time, BVO will build up in tissue and cause reproductive problems for women. Coca-Cola and Pepsi recently removed BVO from their drinks, but it can still be found in many other drinks we consume every day.
Parabens have the ability to change hormone function and they are linked to fertility issues and the increased risk of breast cancer. They are already known as additives in cosmetics, but few of us are aware of parabens in our food.
They are used as a preservative to prevent bacteria and mold in our beauty and personal care products, they are used in food products for the same reasons.
Parabens are in most of our favorite foods, including coffee, juices, ice cream, bread, pizza, lunch meats, canned fruits, condiments, jellies, and sauces.
When you read food labels, look for methyl-, ethyl-, propyl, and additives that have the letter 'E' and a number in the name (like E215 or E214).
As you see, there are too many ingredients hiding in the foods we consume every day, that can cause health problems that can lead to death. When you pick up a package of healthy food, you will be shocked by the long list of unrecognizable ingredients.
It is difficult to keep up with this list of fake, harmful ingredients on the labels and a lot of them hide under other natural ingredients.
If you stick to foods that remain (close to) the way nature made them, you can be sure that you are avoiding most of the hidden ingredients.